splunk / splunk-connect-for-kubernetes

Helm charts associated with kubernetes plug-ins
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Unable to see application logs of Aks on SPlunk #861

Open newmoon88 opened 1 year ago

newmoon88 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I deployed my application on Azure Aks (it's a simple python hello world that logs to stdout). And I used splunk for connect with the following yaml file:

`global: logLevel: info splunk: hec: host: port: token: mytoken protocol: https endpoint: /endpoint/ fullUrl: https://fullurl indexName: kube-logs insecureSSL: clientCert: clientKey: caFile: indexRouting: consume_chunk_on_4xx_errors: kubernetes: clusterName: "cluster_name" prometheus_enabled: monitoring_agent_enabled: monitoring_agent_index_name: monitoring_agent_bind_address: metrics: service: enabled: true headless: true serviceMonitor: enabled: false

metricsPort: 24231
interval: ""
scrapeTimeout: "10s"

additionalLabels: { }

splunk-kubernetes-logging: enabled: true logLevel:


fluentd: path: /var/log/containers/*.log

containers: path: /var/log pathDest: /var/lib/docker/containers logFormatType: cri logFormat: refreshInterval: removeBlankEvents: true localTime: false enableStatWatcher: true

k8sMetadata: podLabels:

splunk-kubernetes-objects: enabled: true logLevel:


rbac: create: true

serviceAccount: create: true name: usePullSecrets: false

podSecurityPolicy: create: false apparmor_security: true apiGroup: policy


kubernetes: url: insecureSSL: false clientCert: clientKey: caFile: bearerTokenFile: secretDir: clusterName:

objects: core: v1:

splunk-kubernetes-metrics: enabled: true logLevel:


rbac: create: true

serviceAccount: create: true name: usePullSecrets: false

podSecurityPolicy: create: false apparmor_security: true apiGroup: policy

splunk: hec: host: port: token: protocol: fullUrl: indexName: insecureSSL: clientCert: clientKey: caFile: consume_chunk_on_4xx_errors:

secret: create: true name:

image: registry: docker.io name: splunk/k8s-metrics tag: 1.2.2 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent usePullSecret: false pullsecretName:

imageAgg: registry: docker.io name: splunk/k8s-metrics-aggr tag: 1.2.2 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent usePullSecret: false pullsecretName:







resources: fluent: limits: cpu: 200m memory: 300Mi requests: cpu: 200m memory: 300Mi buffer: "@type": memory total_limit_size: 400m chunk_limit_size: 10m chunk_limit_records: 10000 flush_interval: 5s flush_thread_count: 1 overflow_action: block retry_max_times: 10 retry_type: periodic retry_wait: 30

aggregatorBuffer: "@type": memory total_limit_size: 400m chunk_limit_size: 10m chunk_limit_records: 10000 flush_interval: 5s flush_thread_count: 1 overflow_action: block retry_max_times: 10 retry_type: periodic retry_wait: 30

metricsInterval: 15s

nodeSelector: kubernetes.io/os: linux

aggregatorNodeSelector: kubernetes.io/os: linux


Thank you Best Regards Marta