How do we override the queries in dashboards to use indexes other than "jenkins_statistics" ?
Reason being is that : Our company is managing Splunk instance, and they have strict regulation on creating indexes. We want to override the queries used in the Splunk App For Jenkins dashboard to use our indexes instead. How can we achieve that ?
Splunk App For Jenkins is using "jenkins_statistics" in creating queries in the dashboards for Splunk App For Jenkins.
index=jenkins_statistics event_tag=job_event (type=started OR type=completed) | dedup host build_url sortby -_time | eval job_result=if(type="started", "INPROGRESS", job_result) | timechart count by job_result
How do we override the queries in dashboards to use indexes other than "jenkins_statistics" ?
Reason being is that : Our company is managing Splunk instance, and they have strict regulation on creating indexes. We want to override the queries used in the Splunk App For Jenkins dashboard to use our indexes instead. How can we achieve that ?