spluque / diveMove

diveMove is a GNU R package with tools to represent, visualize, filter, analyse, and summarize time-depth recorder (TDR) data. It also provides miscellaneous functions for handling location data.
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Dive statistics incorrect? #7

Open JessHCarroll opened 1 year ago

JessHCarroll commented 1 year ago

Question on diveMove

Hi, the summary statistics for some dives appear to be strange-the beginning of the ascent time is listed as occurring before both the beginning and end of the descent time. It seems to always have this 5 minute offset. The times given don't seem to translate onto the plotTDR time and phases either. I can't work out what I've done to cause this or how to address this?

As an example this specific dive (number 445) says: begdesc: 2016-07-23 08:05:00 enddesc : 2016-07-23 08:05:00 begasc: 2016-07-23 08:00:00

But when viewing the TTDR none of these numbers seem to match and the 'bottom phase' seems to be marked as DA/ A.

TTDR of dive 445: image

I'm still working on optimizing the ZOC, but I don't think this would cause the issue? Sorry for the noob question and thanks so much in advance :)

sample data- example.csv (more occur in the whole dataset)

ifile <- "example.csv"
tdrX <- readTDR(ifile, dateCol=6, timeCol=7, depthCol=11, concurrentCols=NULL,
                dtformat="%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S", subsamp=

dcalib2 <-calibrateDepth(tdrX,
                        wet.thr = 3610,  # (seconds) At-sea phases shorter than this threshold will be considered as trivial wet.Delete periods of wet activity that are too short to be compared with other wet periods.
                        dive.thr = 7,    # (meters) threshold depth below which an underwater phase should be considered a dive.
                        zoc.method ="filter",  # see Luque and Fried (2011)
                        k = c(12, 240),  # (60 and 1200 minutes) Vector of moving window width integers to be applied sequentially.
                        probs = c(0.5, 0.05),   # Vector of quantiles to extract at each step indicated by k (so it must be as long as k)
                        depth.bounds = c(-5, 15),  # minimum and maximum depth to bound the search for the surface.
                        na.rm = TRUE)


filter(stats, begasc < begdesc)

plotTDR(dcalib2, diveNo=445

Edit changing to smooth.spline appears to help with descent phase detection, however as this is for a loggerhead turtle I'm not sure if this is correct to do for all dives?


On a side note is there a way to interpolate the time the animal actually goes below a desired threshold and use this as the start of ascent time? You can see from the profile they start descending before the descent identification at ~66m, due to the low sampling frequency of 5m. Could I somehow estimate the time the turtle went below e.g. 7m using the getDiveDeriv() ?

spluque commented 1 year ago

@jharv3y ZOC certainly influences the input to the dive model, and If this is the same dataset you posted on #2, the filter method may not be appropriate. You'll want to work with knot.factor, descent.crit.q and ascent.crit.q to retrieve meaningful dive phase results. Use plotTDR for plotting the dive model to help with that.