spmallick / learnopencv

Learn OpenCV : C++ and Python Examples
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Real_Time_Deep_SORT_using_Torchvision_Detectors #919

Open Hemilibeatriz opened 3 weeks ago

Hemilibeatriz commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you so much for the amazing tools!

I am trying to run the repository https://github.com/spmallick/learnopencv/tree/master/Real_Time_Deep_SORT_using_Torchvision_Detectors with the help of the page https://learnopencv.com/real-time-deep-sort-with-torchvision-detectors/ by Google Colab. I needed to change the version of the libraries torch==2.3.0+cu118 torchvision==0.18.0+cu118 torchaudio==2.3.0+cu118 to be able to run without problems. However, when I run !python deep_sort_tracking.py --input ./input_video.mp4 --show I am receiving the error below, what could it be? Any ideas or help I would greatly appreciate!


brmarkus commented 3 weeks ago

Are you sure your notebook uses inline so that rendering and displaying happens within the notebook's context? The mentioned repo seems to be a standalone application running in a shell on a machine with a display attached - using QT as the backend...

Do you need to use the show command line argument, or would it be sufficient to write the results into a video file?

danieletukudo commented 4 days ago

I can help on this

mind me helping privately ?