spmeesseman / vscode-taskexplorer

Run and Manage Tasks for Visual Studio Code
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Option for displaying User Defined Tasks globally #81

Closed sheldonhull closed 3 years ago

sheldonhull commented 4 years ago

Vscode now supports not only workspace level tasks, but generic reusable tasks that can be run on any workspace globally. These display the results when running the Run Task from command pallete, but vscode-taskexplorer doesn't pick these up.

As a vscode user
Given I have vscode-taskexplorer installed
When I configure user defined tasks for global usage
And I have enabled an option in vscode-taskexplorer called: `"user-defined-tasks": true,`
Then the tasks show up in vscode-taskexplorer
And the tasks are grouped separately from workspace tasks as: `vscode-global`

release notes from vscode for jan show some notes on this

spmeesseman commented 4 years ago

task explorer does not provide vscode tasks (nor npm or typescript), it only asks vscode for them, you'll need to put in a ticket with vscode team that the fetchTasks function is not returning them

spmeesseman commented 3 years ago

now supported in 1.29