I'm having an issue with tools.hpp:728 getTransformMatrix getting redefined.
tools.hpp does have #pragma once, so I'm not sure why this is happening.
The lsp server I'm using is warning me that function definitions in a header file can lead to one definition rule violations.
Maybe I'm including fastgltf wrong?
I added fastgltf as a git submodule and have the following in my CMakeLists.txt
target_include_directories("{$PROJECT_NAME}" PUBLIC external/fastgltf)
target_link_libraries("{$PROJECT_NAME}" PUBLIC fastgltf)
My header files all use ifndef, so mine shouldn't be getting included twice, but maybe I made a mistake there. Here's an example of a header include definition.
If I move getTransformMatrix into iterateSceneNodes as a lambda function, it does fix the issue, but this isn't an ideal solution.
* Iterates over every node within a scene recursively, computing the world space transform of each node,
* and calling the callback function with that node and the transform.
template <typename Callback>
void iterateSceneNodes(fastgltf::Asset& asset, std::size_t sceneIndex, math::fmat4x4 initial, Callback callback) {
auto& scene = asset.scenes[sceneIndex];
* Computes the transform matrix for a given node, and multiplies the given base with that matrix.
auto getTransformMatrix = [](const Node& node, const math::fmat4x4& base = math::fmat4x4()) {
return std::visit(visitor{[&](const math::fmat4x4& matrix) { return base * matrix; },
[&](const TRS& trs) {
return base * translate(math::fmat4x4(), trs.translation) * asMatrix(trs.rotation) *
scale(math::fmat4x4(), trs.scale);
auto function = [&](std::size_t nodeIndex, math::fmat4x4 nodeMatrix, auto& self) -> void {
assert(asset.nodes.size() > nodeIndex);
auto& node = asset.nodes[nodeIndex];
nodeMatrix = getTransformMatrix(node, nodeMatrix);
callback(node, nodeMatrix);
for (auto& child : node.children) {
self(child, nodeMatrix, self);
for (auto& sceneNode : scene.nodeIndices) {
function(sceneNode, initial, function);
I'm having an issue with tools.hpp:728 getTransformMatrix getting redefined. tools.hpp does have #pragma once, so I'm not sure why this is happening. The lsp server I'm using is warning me that function definitions in a header file can lead to one definition rule violations. Maybe I'm including fastgltf wrong? I added fastgltf as a git submodule and have the following in my CMakeLists.txt
My header files all use ifndef, so mine shouldn't be getting included twice, but maybe I made a mistake there. Here's an example of a header include definition.
If I move getTransformMatrix into iterateSceneNodes as a lambda function, it does fix the issue, but this isn't an ideal solution.