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Projectivy 4.54 does not load the background image reliably at startup #127

Open botchedcode opened 1 month ago

botchedcode commented 1 month ago

I use Projectivy on three Android TV boxes, two Nokia Streaming Box 8000 and one Nokia Streaming Box 8010, all three since the recent update with Android TV 12. Projectivy 4.54 (paid, of course) runs on all three with exactly the same configuration.

On the 8010 (and only on this 8010), it suddenly started to take a very long time for the background image to load every few days. It is an ordinary JPG in 1920x1080, 480 KiB in size. After a few days, the image always took over a minute or even longer to load after system startup.

Then I switched back to the original / default background image in the Projectivy configuration, restarted and then set my background image again. Result: from now on, my background image was no longer loaded at startup, the background always remained grey. Unless I reset my background image again, then it appeared immediately until the next restart.

A few days ago, I exported the configuration, completely reset Projectivy (delete cache, delete data) and imported the configuration again. Since then it has been running perfectly again, the background appears immediately with every start.

But for a few days only... :(

I have just started my Nokia Streaming Box 8010 right now and again the background image is not loaded, the background remains dark grey. Even after several minutes, the background image does not appear.

But: when I start and stop YouTube, for example, the background image will appear immediately.

I think the same thing will happen now as before: the background image will probably not be loaded more and more often at startup from now on and then not at all in a few days until I completely reset Projectivy again...

ASC-DE commented 1 month ago

Hi, I have the same issue and in additon I foud after few days my license was reset to basic. After clear cache and restart the launcher I have to load the custom Background image again. The issues is gone for few days. I use two Nokia 8010 with ATV 12.