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[Feature] Premium Feature: Custom Wallpaper Display Style #161

Open Arcitec opened 3 days ago

Arcitec commented 3 days ago

I have Projectivy Premium and I have a vision of the ideal app:

This would make the wallpaper very impressive and responsive:

I can draw a mockup of this later today.

Arcitec commented 3 days ago

This is what the launcher currently does. Wallpapers really overpower the image and look truly awful, so bad that I barely want to use any wallpapers in the launcher at all:


Arcitec commented 3 days ago

Here is a mockup of some adjustments via the Premium "Custom Style" wallpaper mode, with settings something like this:


Arcitec commented 3 days ago

Here's an example where settings would be something like this:


Arcitec commented 3 days ago

Please excuse my ugly "poster" icons. I just slapped this together really fast. The point is:

Premium mode for Projectivy Launcher would finally have a killer-feature if you add a Custom Wallpaper Style mode.

A reason for people to spend money on your launcher. You deserve to make a living from this. And users deserve great wallpapers. It's win-win.

This feature would make it possible to make super cool wallpapers. And there's a ton of fun photo processing algorithms and filters that you could implement very easily since the internet is full of resources for that. :)

People could then do things like "pull wallpapers from Reddit and process them all to be monochrome, retro wallpapers" to get a really cool, uniform style.

Your launcher will really stand out at something very special if you implement this.

Arcitec commented 3 days ago

One more brilliant thing you could implement in Custom Style:

This adds a rendering layer on top of the wallpaper, with a pure color based on the dominant color of the currently selected tile.

The shader blend mode should be something that blends the color into the wallpaper in a natural looking way.

When the user switches tile, just animate the Hue of the tint overlay layer smoothly.

This way, you achieve dynamic background tinting based on selected tile. Which lays itself on top of the statically generated, custom background. Therefore using 0% extra CPU/GPU. :)