spodskubka / RemoteTerminal

An SSH/Telnet terminal emulator for Microsoft Windows
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Cant connect to localhost #6

Closed tabrarg closed 7 years ago

tabrarg commented 7 years ago

I believe this is a limitation of windows store apps, however I have managed to bypass this for other apps by using fiddler. With remote terminal I get the error message "The operation attempted to access data outside the valid range".

It would be really great if I could use remote terminal to SSH onto VMs running on my localhost.

tabrarg commented 7 years ago

Just to add - I also get the same error trying to SSH to my FreeBSD VM hosted by Digital Ocean :(

spodskubka commented 7 years ago

The "data outside the valid range" part of this is a duplicate of #3, which I have re-opened recently.

As for the limitation that Windows Store Apps cannot connect to localhost: that is correct, this is (by default) explicitly forbidden. I have to do some research whether this still holds true for Windows 10 UWP apps, maybe the restriction was lifted for those.

tabrarg commented 7 years ago

Great - I will have a look at #3


spodskubka commented 7 years ago

The localhost restriction is unchanged for Windows 10 UWP apps.

However, your bypass using Fiddler should work correctly as soon as the update for Remote Terminal is released in a few days.