spohlenz / tinymce-rails

Integration of TinyMCE with the Rails asset pipeline
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View Source code is creating an issue #244

Open chanukyay opened 6 years ago

chanukyay commented 6 years ago


I'm using Rails 5.0.4

I integrated Tinymice to my rails application. I'm trying to edit the html content using view source code button, which was throwing error.

This is the error logs i found on the Browser Console.

Uncaught TypeError: modal.on_show is not a function at t.onclick (init_tinymce.self-1b9677d1e444d2c2a97b236d2ad2afe2985d6c179f611ff07c8fa7b996bc06b5.js?body=1:43) at t.i [as fire] (tinymce.min.self-8409fb7bedc0d8c9ec2ac17c6381335510caaea083b7dfa6c7d3c462f02e7065.js?body=1:8) at t.fire (theme.js:1) at HTMLDivElement.a (theme.js:1) at e (tinymce.min.self-8409fb7bedc0d8c9ec2ac17c6381335510caaea083b7dfa6c7d3c462f02e7065.js?body=1:2) at HTMLDivElement.m (tinymce.min.self-8409fb7bedc0d8c9ec2ac17c6381335510caaea083b7dfa6c7d3c462f02e7065.js?body=1:2)