spohlenz / tinymce-rails

Integration of TinyMCE with the Rails asset pipeline
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Set content_css to application css #25

Closed owenbendavies closed 12 years ago

owenbendavies commented 12 years ago

Is it possible to add a method to be able to include all stylesheets from the application when compiled using the rails 3.1 asset pipeline so that the editor styling is the same as the rest of the website.

As a work around, I have implemented a dirty hack where the content_css init variable is set to the following:

stylesheet_link_tag('application').split("\n").map{|stylesheet| stylesheet.match(/href="([^"]+)"/).to_a[1]}.join(",")

If anyone has any other ideas of a better way of achieving this, that would be great.



spohlenz commented 12 years ago

I'd recommend going one abstraction level deeper in your helper and using the asset_path helper.

Here's an (untested) example based on the stylesheet_link_tag helper:

def css_paths_for_tinymce(source="application.css")
  if debug_assets? && asset = asset_paths.asset_for(source, 'css')
    asset.to_a.map { |dep|
      asset_path(dep, :ext => 'css', :body => true, :protocol => :request, :digest => digest_assets?)
    asset_path(source, :ext => 'css', :body => false, :protocol => :request, :digest => digest_assets?)