spohlenz / tinymce-rails

Integration of TinyMCE with the Rails asset pipeline
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Getting Rails 7 Stimulus controllers to work with Tinymce #299

Open arjunrajkumar opened 1 year ago

arjunrajkumar commented 1 year ago

Hey! Not sure if this should go here, but was wondering if I need to do anything extra to get Tinymce-rails working properly with Rails 7 + stimulus + importmaps

The editor is working fine except for stimulus.

Things i've done for setting up TinyMCE

  1. Added the gem - gem 'tinymce-rails', '~> 6.3.1'
  2. Added config/tinymce.yml with the default settings
  3. Included TinyMCE assets using the tinymce_assets helper:
    <%= tinymce_assets %>
    #=> <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/tinymce.js">
  4. Initialized TinyMCE in the views
    <%= form.text_area :description_html, value: product.description_html, class: "tinymce", rows: 40, cols: 120 %>
    <%= tinymce %>

Problem: Whenever the description_html colum is edited I also want to to send an event to a stimulus javascript controller. Normally, I would call it like this: <%= form.text_area :description_html, value: product.description_html, class: "tinymce", rows: 40, cols: 120, data: {action: "input->submit#activate"} %>

But as an iframe is loaded when I use TinyMCE, i'm wondering how to do this.

Just wondering how to go forward with this. Thanks!