spohlenz / tinymce-rails

Integration of TinyMCE with the Rails asset pipeline
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Can't get editor to render in development #70

Closed simonb83 closed 12 years ago

simonb83 commented 12 years ago

Hi, I love the simplicity of the gem, but I am having come trouble getting it working.

I followed all of the steps, adding '//= require tinymce' to my application.js file and <%= tinymce_assets %> to the view where I want the editor.

My code for the textarea is:

<%= f.label :content %> <%= f.text_area :content, :id => "content-input", :class => "tinymce", :rows => 15, :cols => 70 %> <%= tinymce %>

and the output HTML is:


` I have my tinymce.yml file configuration as: theme_advanced_toolbar_location: top theme_advanced_toolbar_align: left theme_advanced_statusbar_location: bottom theme_advanced_buttons3_add: - tablecontrols - fullscreen plugins: - table - fullscreen However when I view the page in development environment, the regular textarea has style="visbility:none" and there is no editor rendered in its place. Instead all I can see is the title of the textarea, and then blank space below it. From Firebug, I am getting the following error in the console: 'o is not a constructor' t.theme = new o(); in tiny_mce_src.js (line 13249). I imagine there is something wrong with my configuration which is causing this to happen, but can't for the life of me figure out what it is. Thanks
spohlenz commented 12 years ago

Try removing //= require tinymce from application.js and just using <%= tinymce_assets %>. Otherwise you are loading TinyMCE twice.

simonb83 commented 12 years ago

Fantastic. Works perfectly.

I can see now where I misinterpreted the instructions, thinking that adding //= require tinymceand <%= tinymce_assets %>were two separate necessary steps.

Thanks again