spohlenz / tinymce-rails

Integration of TinyMCE with the Rails asset pipeline
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Custom config file not working #78

Closed mbajur closed 11 years ago

mbajur commented 11 years ago

Hello everyone, i have a problem with my application - i can't get custom TinyMCE file tinymce.yml file to affect my editor. No matter what i'm gonna to put there, the editor allways looks the same.

As an example: i wan't to put toolbar at the bottom so i'm putting this line into my tinymce.yml file:

theme_advanced_toolbar_location: bottom

It stays on top. It applies to all possible settings i've found in TinyMCE documentation and in example on your wiki. No matter if the config file is empty or have some settings set, editor allways has a default layout with default buttons in it.

My code looks exactly as the one in provided example and i can see that <%= tinymce %> renders those things i'm putting in config.yml as a TinyMCE parameters

Have you any idea what i'm possibly doing wrong? Thanks for any help! :)

spohlenz commented 11 years ago

Make sure you restart your rails server after changing the tinymce.yml file. This is a deficiency I hope to address soon.

mbajur commented 11 years ago

Tanks for your fast reply! Wow, looks like that was the problem, sorry for this silly issue ;)