spolu / breach_core

A Browser written in JS. Free. Modular. Hackable.
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HTML5 audio works, video does not #103

Open kanaka opened 10 years ago

kanaka commented 10 years ago

For example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQCCPP8aZBY

The audio plays, but not the video. Pausing the video sometimes causes a still image of the current paused frame to appear. Also rolling the mouse around the video area will sometimes cause a still image of the current frame to appear.

Other html5 video seems to have the same issue: http://www.videojs.com/

spolu commented 10 years ago

Hi! Works here, which OS are you on?

kanaka commented 10 years ago

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

spolu commented 10 years ago

Indeed. This is badly broken. Depends on this: https://github.com/breach/exo_browser/issues/153

t-lutz commented 10 years ago

@kanaka: did you build from source? I have the same problem on OpenSuse, but if I compile chromium in the same tree, it has the same problem as well, so it does not come from exo_browser. We are most likely missing a step in the build process.

It seems to be the case for html5 videos. Flash videos are playing just fine. I don't know enough about the chromium architecture to dig deeper.

spolu commented 10 years ago

We will have to work on this in the next release of the ExoBrowser! I'll be putting together this week a roadmap for both breach_core and exo_browser! I'll make sure to include this in it!