spolu / breach_core

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Standard way to find modules #97

Open knownasilya opened 10 years ago

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

If I publish a module, how will others find it and know that it's a breach module? If breach uses npm, is there a specific keyword that should be used?

jedahan commented 10 years ago

how does atom.io do it?

naknut commented 10 years ago

Thay have their own package manager, its called APM.

jacobsmith commented 10 years ago

I would love this as an option -- even just a central area on breach.cc where people could submit modules and then show download stats would be awesome!

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

Or even just a list of modules taken by keyword, like yeoman does. Pulled from npm or github.

spolu commented 10 years ago

So there's a parallel discussion on mod_strip I'm going to close the issue there.

spolu commented 10 years ago

This could be useful in the meantime: https://github.com/breach/breach_core/wiki/List-of-modules

Someone mentioned tagging on npm and searching by tag within Breach. That could be a good early solution?

jedahan commented 10 years ago

+1 on the tagging for now no need to implement yet another package manager especially if most modules are gonna be released via npm anyways...

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

@jedahan totally with you on this! Tired of all the package managers.. (component, bower, npm, jspm, apm, meteor, etc...)

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

@spolu would love for the breach site to be on github so that others could contribute.

spolu commented 10 years ago

@knownasilya it is. gh-pages branch

spolu commented 10 years ago

Anybody want to take a stance a building such a search engine within breach_core's module manager?

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

@spolu :+1:

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

Anybody want to take a stance a building such a search engine within breach_core's module manager?

@spolu will definitely have a look after work.

spolu commented 10 years ago

@knownasilya cool!

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

@spolu although, would love any direction/guidance as how to start. First time with breach.

spolu commented 10 years ago

Of course, and working on breach_core is slightly more difficult than working on a module... Feel free to ping me on IRC whenever you're ready!

miketheprogrammer commented 10 years ago

@spolu I would caution against having a module management system in core. While I hope this project gains amazing popularity it probably wont reach the levels of npm. However, if it should get crazy, decoupling the package manager from the core would prove difficult later on. It is better to start with it decoupled. Asking the user to download it, similar to mod_strip, when they first open it. Or just automatically downloading it anyway.

**When in doubt, Node Philosophy, Small tight core, large userland.

spolu commented 10 years ago

@miketheprogrammer Thanks. That makes sense!

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

@miketheprogrammer good insight! This will avoid having to push core updates when the module search needs updating..

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

What's a good name? mod_findmod?

sbruchmann commented 10 years ago


Some random suggestions:

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

Thanks @sbruchmann! I've started a repo here. It can always be renamed if need be.

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

What keyword should be searched, maybe not a keyword at all, just a dependency on breach_module? Should we only search npm? Or github as well (projects with a package.json)?

spolu commented 10 years ago

Let's start with npm search and see how it goes. People can always add github modules directly through their URL in the meantime.

I'm wondering if we should move the entire module manager there or just the discovery?

miketheprogrammer commented 10 years ago

Would recommend discovery and module manager be seperate. Module manager should be core but discovery should be interchangeable modules. On Jul 11, 2014 6:25 PM, "Stanislas Polu" notifications@github.com wrote:

Let's start with npm search and see how it goes. People can always add github modules directly through their URL in the meantime.

I'm wondering if we should move the entire module manager there or just the discovery?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/breach/breach_core/issues/97#issuecomment-48789914.

jimmed commented 10 years ago

I've forked @knownasilya 's repo and made an initial attempt to call npm search from inside the module. However, I've come up against a wall, and it's late at night so I'm leaving it for now. Some details of the problem are commented in index.js, but the best way to experience it is to install the module and see the output for yourselves ;)

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

@jimmed I installed it into my copy of breach, and don't even get a console log..

Get it now, using 'out', but yeah can't find what the issue is.. Maybe npm.load needs a different config.

@spolu is there a better way to debug modules, other then using 'out'?

corysimmons commented 10 years ago

+1million on some sort of Sublime Text package control replica.

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

@corysimmons In what sense? Could you expound just a bit about what you'd like to see.

corysimmons commented 10 years ago

Just make the install modules thing a fuzzy search

knownasilya commented 10 years ago

Development has been moved here and wiki is updated. Anyone looking to help should submit PRs there.

spolu commented 10 years ago

Awesome. Keeping the issue open for people to find it and get redirected to your repo.