spongedsc / pathways

Pathways: multi-modal AI/ML models on discord
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[enhancement] intentionally introduce 3 different vulnerabilities then pretend it was an accident when someone discovers it and "fix it" adding 2 new vulnerabilities in the process #81

Closed Butterroach closed 1 month ago

Butterroach commented 1 month ago

This GitHub issue proposes an enhancement to the existing system by intentionally introducing three different vulnerabilities and then "addressing" them. The suggested approach involves simulating the accidental discovery of these vulnerabilities, followed by a thorough analysis and subsequent implementation of necessary fixes. Additionally, two new vulnerabilities will be introduced in the process of addressing the initial vulnerabilities.

The proposed process includes the following steps:

  1. Intentional introduction of three different vulnerabilities: These vulnerabilities will be carefully designed to replicate potential real-world scenarios, ensuring a diverse range of weaknesses are identified. The intention is to simulate the accidental discovery of these vulnerabilities by an external party.
  2. Identifying and analyzing the vulnerabilities: Once the vulnerabilities are discovered, a comprehensive evaluation will be conducted to understand their impact on the system. This analysis will include a thorough assessment of potential risks and the likelihood of exploitation.
  3. "Fixing" the vulnerabilities and introducing two new vulnerabilities: Our team will diligently work to address the identified vulnerabilities by implementing effective countermeasures. However, as part of this process, we will also intentionally introduce two new vulnerabilities. These new vulnerabilities will be carefully crafted to highlight specific areas of weakness that were not initially identified.
  4. Validation and testing: Rigorous testing will be performed to ensure that the implemented additional vulnerabilities work properly. This phase aims to ruin the system's integrity and weaken its resilience against potential threats.
  5. Continuous improvement: As with any security "enhancement", this process is iterative. Regular monitoring, analysis, and ongoing refinement will be integral to maintaining the system's vulnerabilities. This approach will help prevent a security-conscious mindset within our development practices.

Thank you for your understanding.

artifishvr commented 1 month ago


daniwasonline commented 1 month ago

create an RFC for this

artifishvr commented 1 month ago

@all-contributors please add @Butterroach for security

allcontributors[bot] commented 1 month ago


I've put up a pull request to add @Butterroach! :tada: