sponte / Powershell.Deployment

Powershell scripts that automated component deployment. Supports windows services (srvany.exe, NServiceBus, TopShelf) and websites.
MIT License
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Turn this project into a PowerShell module #37

Open RavindraSolanki opened 5 years ago

RavindraSolanki commented 5 years ago

I find this project very useful when it is integrated into a small number of applications. As the number of applications growth especially in a micro-service architecture, it becomes difficult to easily updates all the applications.

I'd like to be able to update more frequently this project and get it applied to all my project that uses it.

A great way of doing it would be to decouple the 'description' of what needs to be installed/uninstalled/started/stopped and the actual PowerShell scripts that does the actual job. And I think turning it into a PowerShell module could be a great medium for that. The module would be installed on each machine and updating this project would be done independently of the applications.