spooknik / SkyrimSE-Linux-Modding

A simple guide to how to get up and running with mods in Skyrim SE on Linux
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Avoiding SSE from autoupdating #6

Open maxwellodri opened 5 years ago

maxwellodri commented 5 years ago

Since every time SSE updates, SKSE breaks, and Steam forces updates, is there any way to run proton directly via the terminal, avoiding actually clicking the play button in Steam. Something like run <path/to/skse> (basically how you'd do it in wine), I tried adding the environment variables that proton uses (i.e. by doing something like export > list_of_bash_variables.txt inside the terminal that running Skyrim opens and sifting through them) but it was breaking still (your guide works fine, this is just me tinkering). My current solution is to just keep a backup and overwrite it every time Skyrim has an update, but looking for a more elegant solution. Thanks

spooknik commented 5 years ago

If you don't want to click the 'Play' button you can just run:

STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/489830/ ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/skyrim-proton/proton waitforexitandrun ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim\ Special\ Edition/skse64_loader.exe

I'm pretty sure this won't make a difference on a technical level since I'm sure Steam has a way of enforcing it's 'control' this way. The best option I found is to set the game not to auto-update and just update when it's launched. And never allow background downloads as well.

When an update does come, the update window will launch, but you can just ignore it and run things as you normally would.

And always keeping backups is a good idea.

maxwellodri commented 5 years ago

So I tried the above, and it didnt work telling me that I was missing C:\windows/system32/winemenubuilder.exe. So I'm not totally sure what wine prefix this version of proton uses, but I tried both the (SSE) one for default proton and the prefix located in ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/skyrim-proton/dist/share/default_pfx. Now the the latter was actually missing the exe, and so I copied it over from the default prefix, but still got the error, which is odd. Do you know what prefix it uses?

spooknik commented 5 years ago

Skyrim SE actually has its own wine prefix. In ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/489830/.

But I tried to run the command I wrote above and got the same error. I think it needs to be launched through Steam in someway (which is why my guide has you running a terminal via steam to launch the .exe). They are pretty clever and probably don't want people running Steam games outside of steam.

But maybe you can figure something out!

maxwellodri commented 5 years ago

So a followup to this, if you add SKSE as non steam game it should work nicely - although I don't know about achievements - have't tested just made sure it ran.