spooky-oysters / Bangazon-Command-Line-Application

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User should be able to add product to customer order #5

Closed stevebrownlee closed 6 years ago

stevebrownlee commented 6 years ago

Given a customer has been made active in the program When the user selects the option to add a product to the active customer's order Then the user should be prompted with a numbered list of all products And when one is chosen, the product should be added to an order for the active customer

Pro tip: To make it easier to add multiple products, when the user selects a product to add to the customer's order, display the menu of products again. Make sure the last option provides the option to go back to main menu.

1. Diapers
2. Case of Cracking Cola
3. Bicycle
4. AA Batteries
9. Done adding products
Chewieez commented 6 years ago

Requires ActiveCustomer Requires Product Class Requires Product Manager

?? Test that asserts a product exists in an order