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Errors when Running example.m #85

Closed verpeutlab closed 2 years ago

verpeutlab commented 2 years ago

Hello. I have just started to experience difficulties when running example.m found in the Label3D folder. When I run the demo data in markerless_mouse_1, I receive the following error. Note that I have renamed example.m to be C_26_example.m.

Screen Shot 2021-12-19 at 1 14 18 AM

Additionally, MATLAB has been quitting when I have been running this same script with my data. Since I am using three cameras instead of six, I changed videos = cell(6,1) to be videos = cell(3,1); . I also changed the value of vidName from 0.mp4 to 0.avi since the videos that I recorded were saved in .avi format. I also have load(fullfile(dannce_file(1).folder, dannce_file(2).name)); written as dannce = load(fullfile(dannce_file(1).folder, dannce_file(1).name)); to load the label3d_dannce.mat file I created and discussed in my reply to Issue #84 . However, when I run this code, MATLAB quits. I do not receive an error message, but after running this script in debug mode, I found that this issue occurs on the line that reads videos{nVid} = readFrames(vidPaths{nVid}, frameInds+1); This line of code triggers a series of other scripts, and MATLAB quits when FFGrab('setFrames',frames); is executed in mmread.m. The script mmread.m can be found in .\Label3D\deps\Animator\deps\video\video_io\mmread and this line should be around Line 149. This second image shows the data the script has when MATLAB quits.

Screen Shot 2021-12-18 at 10 49 49 PM

If you could please give me an idea of what is causing MATLAB to quit when I execute it with my data or why I have just started to receive an error when I run the markerless_mouse_1 demo data through the script that is example.m, I would appreciate it!

diegoaldarondo commented 2 years ago

I suspect something is either wrong with the frameInds variable, or you are using hardware that the precompiled mmread binaries do not support. I think newer Macs have this problem, for instance.

Given that things were running fine before, I suspect its just the frameInds, which could also explain the first error. Are your frame inds all positive integers <= the length of the video?

Its also concerning that the params are empty. The example.m script isnt intended to be a standalone, so I'd recommend running cells individually to get things working on your setup.

verpeutlab commented 2 years ago

Thank you for letting me know about this! The values of frameInds+1, which is in the line videos{nVid} = readFrames(vidPaths{nVid}, frameInds+1); in example.m has values from 1 to 100.

I also wanted to let you know that a figure appears when I have been running the example.m script, and this figure plays the first 100 frames that I should be labeling as a video. I have included a picture of the figure below. This figure did not appear when I ran before I started having issues with error messages. Could you tell me why this figure is appearing instead of the figures needed for me to label the mouse in Label3D?

I now experience this same error when I run the script on both the markerless_mouse_1 data and on my own data. Perhaps another issue could be the value of nVid. In both the demo data and in this set of data that I am running, I believe nVid should be six, but it is only equal to 1.

Figure 1

I do not think hardware should be an issue, as it was running successfully in the past. The computer is using Windows 10, and version 1909 with OS Build 18363.1916

diegoaldarondo commented 2 years ago

Please provide the script.

verpeutlab commented 2 years ago

Here is the script. It is currently set to run the markerless_mouse_1 demo.

`clear all close all; addpath(genpath('deps')) addpath(genpath('skeletons')) danncePath = 'C:\Users\verpeutlab\Desktop\DANNCE';

projectFolder = fullfile(danncePath,'demo\markerless_mouse_1'); calibPaths = collectCalibrationPaths(projectFolder); params = cellfun(@(X) {load(X)}, calibPaths);

%% Load the videos into memory vidName = '0.mp4'; vidPaths = collectVideoPaths(projectFolder,vidName); videos = cell(6,1); sync = collectSyncPaths(projectFolder, '*.mat'); sync = cellfun(@(X) {load(X)}, sync);

% In case the demo folder uses the dannce.mat data format. if isempty(sync) dannce_file = dir(fullfile(projectFolder, '*dannce.mat')); dannce = load(fullfile(dannce_file(1).folder, dannce_file(1).name)); %load(fullfile(dannce_file(1).folder, dannce_file(2).name)); sync = dannce.sync; params = dannce.params; end

framesToLabel = 1:100; for nVid = 1:numel(vidPaths) frameInds = sync{nVid}.data_frame(framesToLabel); videos{nVid} = readFrames(vidPaths{nVid}, frameInds+1); end

%% Get the skeleton skeleton = load('skeletons/mouse22'); % skeleton = load('com');

%% Start Label3D close all labelGui = Label3D(params, videos, skeleton); `

diegoaldarondo commented 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing the script.

I just ran it on a win10 system (replacing only the danncePath with my local folder) and it works as expected. Perhaps your demo video files are somehow corrupted, or you are using a different version of Label3D? I would redownload the demo or reinstall/update Label3D and try again.

verpeutlab commented 2 years ago

Thank you! I was able to get the script to work with markerless_mouse_1 demo data.

Here is the script that is causing Matlab to quit. I have loaded in the sync and params cells for data that is using three cameras.

`clear all close all; addpath(genpath('deps')) addpath(genpath('skeletons')) danncePath = 'C:\Users\verpeutlab\Desktop\DANNCE';

projectFolder = fullfile(danncePath,'social_mice_demo\C_26\L');

params = cell (3,1); params{1} = importdata('C:/Users/verpeutlab/Desktop/DANNCE/social_mice_demo/C_26/L/hires_cam1_params.mat'); params{2} = importdata('C:/Users/verpeutlab/Desktop/DANNCE/social_mice_demo/C_26/L/hires_cam2_params.mat'); params{3} = importdata('C:/Users/verpeutlab/Desktop/DANNCE/social_mice_demo/C_26/L/hires_cam3_params.mat'); %% Load the videos into memory vidName = '0.avi'; vidPaths = collectVideoPaths(projectFolder,vidName); videos = cell(3,1); addpath('C:\Users\verpeutlab\Desktop\DANNCE\social_mice_demo\C_26\L\sync\') sync = cell(3,1); sync{1} = importdata('C:/Users/verpeutlab/Desktop/DANNCE/social_mice_demo/C_26/L/sync/Camera1_sync.mat'); sync{2} = importdata('C:/Users/verpeutlab/Desktop/DANNCE/social_mice_demo/C_26/L/sync/Camera2_sync.mat'); sync{3} = importdata('C:/Users/verpeutlab/Desktop/DANNCE/social_mice_demo/C_26/L/sync/Camera3_sync.mat');

% In case the demo folder uses the dannce.mat data format. if isempty(sync) dannce_file = dir(fullfile(projectFolder, '*dannce.mat')); dannce = load(fullfile(dannce_file(1).folder, dannce_file(1).name)); %load(fullfile(dannce_file(1).folder, dannce_file(2).name)); sync = dannce.sync; params = dannce.params; end

framesToLabel = 1:100; for nVid = 1:numel(vidPaths) frameInds = sync{nVid}.data_frame(framesToLabel); videos{nVid} = readFrames(vidPaths{nVid}, frameInds+1); end

%% Get the skeleton skeleton = load('skeletons/mouse22'); % skeleton = load('com');

%% Start Label3D close all labelGui = Label3D(params, videos, skeleton);


diegoaldarondo commented 2 years ago

Glad you got the example working.

I can't be of much help since I don't have your data, but since it crashes on FFGRAB, I would recommend debugging as though its an issue with mmread. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/8028-mmread

They recommend setting FFGRAB to false in some situations on Windows. You can do this by changing this line in the included video reading function. https://github.com/diegoaldarondo/Animator/blob/6d1f1029cd978bf499f84e238b1c83bf1d80bdd1/deps/video/readFrames.m#L23

Otherwise, I would recommend just writing your own frame reading function using something other than mmread.

spoonsso commented 2 years ago

@verpeutlab Here is code for readFramesFast, an alternative to readFrames that might work better for you.

The arguments are the same as for readFrames. Put the following code in a file called readFramesFast.m in your base Label3D directory. Then replace readFrames with readFramesFast in example.m.

function frames = readFramesFast(vidPath,fID)
%readFramesFast Loads vide oframes quickly by frame index
vid = VideoReader(vidPath);
fps = vid.FrameRate;
frames = zeros(vid.Height,vid.Width,3,numel(fID),'uint8');
for i = 1:numel(fID)
    vid.CurrentTime = (fID(i)-1)/fps;
    frames(:,:,:,i) = readFrame(vid);
verpeutlab commented 2 years ago

Thank you! I got the code to work by trying the option suggested by @spoonsso .