Closed pboettcher closed 13 years ago
I'm honestly not sure. This one's news to me. I'll download the JRuby runtime for Windows and see if I can duplicate, but I live in Kenya now, so it's uhm... gonna take awhile. :-)
Jambo! You can try to do something (pole, pole), but I'm pretty sure - it is a JRuby configuration bug - not worth your efforts :) Hakuna matata!
Update: That was my lack of knowledge. I should mention uuidtools in Gemfile (but still do not understand why).
I installed uuidtools in Windows 7 x64 with the command:
have written a helper:
but can't get the application to work. The error message is:
I searched web pages, tried all possible advices, restarted my Webrick 20 times - still no result. By clicking "Go to declaration" on timestamp_create, NetBeans opens uuidtools.rb - so it CAN find uuidtools. What could be wrong?
Process Monitor shows me for "require" command:
P.S. It seems to be a general problem with JRuby. Other modules behave in such manner too - they can't be loaded from an application, but from irb they are loaded without problems.