sporkmonger / uuidtools

A simple universally unique ID generation library.
Apache License 2.0
425 stars 63 forks source link

Can't use uuidtools #7

Closed pboettcher closed 13 years ago

pboettcher commented 13 years ago

I installed uuidtools in Windows 7 x64 with the command:

jruby -S gem install uuidtools

have written a helper:

require 'rubygems'
require 'uuidtools'

module UUIDHelper
  def self.parse(uuidstring)
    self.uuid = UUID.parse(uuidstring)
  def before_create()
    self.uuid = UUID.timestamp_create().to_s

but can't get the application to work. The error message is:

no such file to load -- uuidtools

I searched web pages, tried all possible advices, restarted my Webrick 20 times - still no result. By clicking "Go to declaration" on timestamp_create, NetBeans opens uuidtools.rb - so it CAN find uuidtools. What could be wrong?

irb(main):001:0> require 'uuidtools'
LoadError: no such file to load -- uuidtools
        from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1038:in 'require'
        from (irb):1:in 'evaluate'
        from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1088:in 'eval'
        from C:/Program Files/jruby-1.6.4/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:158:in 'eval_input'
        from C:/Program Files/jruby-1.6.4/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:271:in 'signal_status'
        from C:/Program Files/jruby-1.6.4/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:155:in 'eval_input'
        from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1419:in 'loop'
        from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1191:in 'catch'
        from C:/Program Files/jruby-1.6.4/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:154:in 'eval_input'
        from C:/Program Files/jruby-1.6.4/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:71:in 'start'
        from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1191:in 'catch'
        from C:/Program Files/jruby-1.6.4/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:70:in 'start'
        from C:\Program Files\jruby-1.6.4\bin\irb:13:in '(root)'

Process Monitor shows me for "require" command:

Operation: CreateFile
Path:   C:\Program Files\jruby-1.6.4\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\uuidtools-2.1.2\rubyjit\debug?_69049681550F92840CD2088A74CA3191A61CC9CA.class
TID:    160
Desired Access: Read Attributes
Disposition:    Open
Options:    Open Reparse Point
Attributes: n/a
ShareMode:  Read, Write, Delete
AllocationSize: n/a

P.S. It seems to be a general problem with JRuby. Other modules behave in such manner too - they can't be loaded from an application, but from irb they are loaded without problems.

sporkmonger commented 13 years ago

I'm honestly not sure. This one's news to me. I'll download the JRuby runtime for Windows and see if I can duplicate, but I live in Kenya now, so it's uhm... gonna take awhile. :-)

pboettcher commented 13 years ago

Jambo! You can try to do something (pole, pole), but I'm pretty sure - it is a JRuby configuration bug - not worth your efforts :) Hakuna matata!

Update: That was my lack of knowledge. I should mention uuidtools in Gemfile (but still do not understand why).