I came across the following error when running the probe test on a V0 which does not have QGL or Z_TILT.
User has no leveling gcode. Please check printer.cfg [z_tilt] or [quad_gantry_level]
Skip leveling...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/probe_accuracy_tests/./probe_accuracy_test_suite.py", line 495, in <module>
File "/home/pi/probe_accuracy_tests/./probe_accuracy_test_suite.py", line 41, in main
File "/home/pi/probe_accuracy_tests/./probe_accuracy_test_suite.py", line 287, in level_bed
if (not leveled) or force:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'leveled' referenced before assignment
Return before the assignment is tested, as we won't be running levelling in this scenario.
I came across the following error when running the probe test on a V0 which does not have QGL or Z_TILT.
Return before the assignment is tested, as we won't be running levelling in this scenario.