sporniket / ideas

My backlog of ideas, organized as a bunch of issues
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Homemade assembly 68k compiler in python supporting devpac-ish directives #10

Open sporniket opened 2 years ago

sporniket commented 2 years ago

_Requires #27 "IsaMc68k database, a collection of table describing the assembly mc68k instruction set architecture". The database will be hosted in this project : isa68k-database

vasm is quite fine tool, except for the licence terms that prevents freedom #0 .

I should get the same binary from sporny-wrecking-ball when using vasm or my compiler

sporniket commented 1 year ago
draft assembly 68k parser
import re
import sys
from enum import Enum

class BasicFragmentType(Enum):
    WORD = 0
    WHITE = 1
    SPECIAL = 2

class BasicFragment():
    def __init__(self, src):
        self.src = src
        self.type = BasicFragmentType.WHITE if re.match("\s+", src) else BasicFragmentType.SPECIAL if re.match("([^0-9A-Za-z_])", src) else BasicFragmentType.WORD

    def __str__(self):
        return f"('{self.src}', {self.type.name})"

class LineOfCode():

    def __init__(self, src, fragments):
        self.src = src
        self.fragments = fragments
        fragmentIndex = 0
        while fragments[fragmentIndex].type != BasicFragmentType.WHITE:
            if fragments[fragmentIndex].type == BasicFragmentType.SPECIAL and not fragments[fragmentIndex].src in (".","\\","@"):
            label+= fragments[fragmentIndex].src
            fragmentIndex += 1
        self.label = label if len(label) > 0 else None

    def __str__(self):
        f = [f"{f}" for f in self.fragments]
        lb = f"Label = {self.label}\n" if self.label is not None else "No label\n"
        return f"=====[Line of code]=====\n{self.src}\n{lb}{f}\n---- ---- ---- ----"

class Parser():
    def parseLine(self, src:str)->LineOfCode:
        fragments = []
        for preFragment in re.split("(\s+)", src):
            if (re.match("^\s+$", preFragment)):
                fragments+=[f for f in re.split("([^0-9A-Za-z_])",preFragment) if len(f)>0]
        return LineOfCode(src, [BasicFragment(f) for f in fragments])

def test_Parser_parseLine_can_find_label_when_there_is_one():
    loc = Parser().parseLine("DestAssetFont0:         dc.b                    'font_0.dat',0")
    assert loc.label == "DestAssetFont0"
    loc = Parser().parseLine(".nextEntry\@            _Setcolor               d5,#-1")
    assert loc.label == ".nextEntry\@"

def test_Parser_parseLine_does_not_set_label_when_there_is_none():
    loc = Parser().parseLine("                        moveq                   #0,d5")
    assert loc.label == None

def run(test):
    print(f"----- {test} -----")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        print(f"=====[ START SELF TESTS ]=====")
        prsr = Parser()
        for file in sys.argv[1:]:
            with open(file) as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
            for line in lines:
sporniket commented 1 year ago

Decompose by field

(c) 2022 David SPORN
This is part of Sporniket's "experiments" project.
Sporniket's "experiments" project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
Sporniket's "experiments" project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Sporniket's "experiments" project.
If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

class FieldOfAs68kLineOfCode:
    def __init__(self, source):
        self.source = source

class As68kLineOfCode:
    def __init__(self):
        self.fields = {
            "label": None,
            "mnemonic": None,
            "operand": None,
            "comment": None,

class As68kLineParser:
    def parseLine(self, source):
        result = As68kLineOfCode()
        accumulator = ""
        field = 0
        isInsideString = False
        stringMarker = None
        for char in source:
            if isInsideString:
                accumulator += char
                if char == stringMarker:
                    isInsideString = False
            if field == 2 and char in ('"', "'"):
                stringMarker = char
                isInsideString = True
                accumulator += char
            if field < 3 and char in (" ", "\t"):
                if field == 1 and accumulator.endswith(":"):
                    field = 0
                if len(accumulator) > 0:
                    if field == 0:
                        result.fields["label"] = FieldOfAs68kLineOfCode(accumulator)
                    elif field == 1:
                        result.fields["mnemonic"] = FieldOfAs68kLineOfCode(accumulator)
                    elif field == 2:
                        result.fields["operand"] = FieldOfAs68kLineOfCode(accumulator)
                field += 1
                accumulator = ""

            if len(accumulator) == 0 and char in ("*", ";"):
                field = 3
            accumulator += char
        if field == 3 and len(accumulator) > 0:
            result.fields["comment"] = FieldOfAs68kLineOfCode(accumulator)
        return result

def test_should_support_4_fields():
    source = "label move.l d0,(a0)+ move data to memory"
    parsedLine = As68kLineParser().parseLine(source)
    assert parsedLine.fields["label"].source == "label"
    assert parsedLine.fields["mnemonic"].source == "move.l"
    assert parsedLine.fields["operand"].source == "d0,(a0)+"
    assert parsedLine.fields["comment"].source == "move data to memory"

def test_should_support_label_after_whitespaces():
    source = " label: move.l d0,(a0)+ move data to memory"
    parsedLine = As68kLineParser().parseLine(source)
    assert parsedLine.fields["label"].source == "label:"
    assert parsedLine.fields["mnemonic"].source == "move.l"
    assert parsedLine.fields["operand"].source == "d0,(a0)+"
    assert parsedLine.fields["comment"].source == "move data to memory"

def test_should_support_line_without_label():
    source = " move.l d0,(a0)+ move data to memory"
    parsedLine = As68kLineParser().parseLine(source)
    assert parsedLine.fields["label"] == None
    assert parsedLine.fields["mnemonic"].source == "move.l"
    assert parsedLine.fields["operand"].source == "d0,(a0)+"
    assert parsedLine.fields["comment"].source == "move data to memory"

def test_should_support_comment_lines():
    sources = [
        "* a comment line",
        " * a comment line",
        "; a comment line",
        " ; a comment line",
    for source in sources:
        parsedLine = As68kLineParser().parseLine(source)
        assert parsedLine.fields["comment"].source == source.lstrip()

def test_should_support_string_litteral_with_spaces():
    source = ' dc.b "hello world",0 define C string'
    parsedLine = As68kLineParser().parseLine(source)
    assert parsedLine.fields["label"] == None
    assert parsedLine.fields["mnemonic"].source == "dc.b"
    assert parsedLine.fields["operand"].source == '"hello world",0'
    assert parsedLine.fields["comment"].source == "define C string"
sporniket commented 1 year ago

First goal : convert a single line (e.g. Add.b (a5),d2) into a stream of bytes (e.g. 1101.0100,0001.0101) ; case insensitive

sporniket commented 1 year ago

Instruction conversion

interface of the converter :

def convert(mnemonic, *, operand1=null, operand2=null):
  return { 
    bytes: [], # list of bytes
    relocatable: [
      {offset:2, length:4, symbol:"what"},
      {offset:6, length:2, symbol: "ever"}
    pretty_print: ["add.b","d0","d2"] # each part cannonically formatted (correct form of the mnemonics, lowercase,...)



sporniket commented 1 year ago

Processing of a source files

A source file contains preprocessing directives (equates, static symbols –e.g. rs.b/w/l...–, macros, includes,...)


sporniket commented 1 year ago

Create a test suite for compiler/decompiler

Manual test

create a single line source containing the reference input, let's say the file is named add_b.s:

 add.b (a5),d2

Use vasm : vasmm68k_mot add_b.s -Fbin

Then a.out contains the byte stream reference

$ hd a.out 
00000000  d4 15                                             |..|

Confirmation of the test suite

Compare with the output obtained with GNU as. A conversion of each instruction to follow the syntax understood by as MUST be performed. If an expression is not convertible, it MUST be notified. If the output differ from the output of vasm, it MUST be notified.

When as and vasm do not agree, a case by case analysis is performed, that will most likely end up with a test case. At the very least, verify that the offending byte streams represents the single instruction expression under test.

sporniket commented 1 year ago

Representation of the byte stream

PRM : Programmer's Reference Manual

One word = a 16bits value, big endian

Reminder : instruction word general format

From section 2.1 of the PRM

  1. Mandatory Single effective address operation word (a.k.a. 'opcode')
  2. Optionnal Special operand specifier (up to 2 words)
  3. Optionnal Immediate operand OR Source effective address extension (up to 6 words)
  4. Optionnal Destination effective address extension (up to 6 words)

Representation of the opcode

Upon reading the programmer reference manual, one notice that the opcode bits are organized like that : 1111.222.333.444.555. In other words, an hexadecimal digit followed by 4 octal digits. Especially, the addressing mode is specified by the 2 last octal digits.

Representation in format specification

In a format specification, individual bits are specified, e.g. 1101.rrr.ooo.eee.aaa for add <ea>,dy or add dx,<ea>. '1' and '0' are bits that have a fixed value. A lettered bit is grouped in the subdigit field where it is contained. E.g rrr means that r can take a value between 0 and 7.

Representation of the byte code

In a byte stream, the opcode will be represented as an hexadecimal digit, followed by a dot, followed by 4 octal digits. E.g. Add.b (a5),d2 that compile into the byte stream1101.0100,0001.0101 will be represented with : d.2025

Representation of the other words

The otherwords do not use octal aligned subfields, thus the classical hexadecimal representation will be enough, either

Representation of a full instruction with extension words


e.g. :

x.yyyy[zzzz ..../ssss ....>dddd ....
sporniket commented 10 months ago

symbol resolution process

Given a typical line of assembly code like :

with_label:     symbol_to_resolve [operands] [comment]

;without label
                symbol_to_resolve [operands] [comment]

symbol_to_resolve will be looked up from those sets, in that specified order :

  1. the assembly directives opcodes
  2. the ISA opcodes
  3. the local labels of the current scope
  4. the global labels