[ ] Initial port : minimal + REPL, using the console (cconin, cconout)
Phase 1
[ ] profile "Kernel TOS" (kerneltosapp) : unrestricted access to bios/xbios/gemdos and hardware registers (each chip has a module, work as superuser)
[ ] profile "TOS" (tosapp) : only access to bios/xbios/gemdos, and allowed user RAM
[ ] MIPYBM.TOS : "MIcroPYthon Bare Metal" environnement "Kernel TOS" pour développer des applications exclusives (démarrage sur disquette dans un dossier auto)
Phase 2
[ ] profile "GEM" (gemapp) : only access to vdi/aes, and high level file system
[ ] profile "ACC" (gemacc) : like gemapp, with specifics for writing GEM accessories
[ ] MIPYCON.ACC : "MIcro PYthon CONsole", GEM accessory embedding a micropython REPL. Can invoke python scripts, edit one single script at a time.
Phase 0
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Technical points