sporniket / ideas

My backlog of ideas, organized as a bunch of issues
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IsaMc68k database, a collection of table describing the assembly mc68k instruction set architecture #27

Open sporniket opened 1 year ago

sporniket commented 1 year ago
  • As of 2023-08-18, this idea is hosted there : isa68k-database
  • _This is a requirement of #10 "Homemade assembly 68k compiler in python supporting devpac-ish directives"
  • I am working on it using Google Sheets for now (better visualization than CSV)

The collection of tables (CSV format) would gather various aspects of the ISA, e.g. addressing modes, mnemonics, opcodes format, etc...

Typical application of the database :

sporniket commented 1 year ago

It would be nice to have an adhoc "google sheet like" to work directly on the CSV files that are then versionned with git.