sporniket / ideas

My backlog of ideas, organized as a bunch of issues
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[micro-controller] Configurable allocator of memory #40

Open sporniket opened 8 months ago

sporniket commented 8 months ago

A project-oriented allocator of memory engine :

The intent is that memory consumer modules are provided with such a buffer, with description (obviously the size, the start, the DMA-capability). The consumer MAY reject the buffer (undersized, not DMA-capable, whatever), but it MUST provides a way (documentation, error message, ...) to explain the reason why.

sample-ish code

Preparing and retrieving initialized buffers

BatchMemoryAllocator bmallocator ;

void setup() {

//init other modules...

The slot description

  index: number,
  key: string,
  size: number, //may be greater than required (page size ?)
  flags: bitmap //for now, only DMA capability.
sporniket commented 1 month ago


For now, two consumer MAY ask the same slot.

enum MemorySlotFlags {
  dma = 1,
 // that's all for now, but up to 32 values:1, 2, 4, 8,...

MemorySlotDescriptor {
  index: uint32, //realistically, only a handfull, but you never know
  key: string,
  size: number, //may be greater than required (page size ?)
  flags: uint32 //for now, only DMA capability.

class MemorySlot {
  MemorySlotDescriptor *descriptor;
  void *data;

class MemoryProvider {
  void setup(vector<MemorySlotDescriptor*>* descriptor); // can throw MemoryProviderError : AllocationError
  MemorySlot* get(string *key) ; //can throw MemoryProviderError : UnknownSlot error

abstract class UserOfMemorySlot {
  void use(MemorySlot *slot);