sportngin / brew-gem

Install gems as homebrew formulas
MIT License
195 stars 21 forks source link

Use bash shim to set GEM_* envvars #41

Closed nicksieger closed 5 years ago

nicksieger commented 7 years ago


Changes the launcher scripts installed by brew-gem to use a bash shim to manipulate environment variables before launching Ruby.


I've seen some side effects when running a script installed by brew-gem in the context of a project using a different Ruby (e.g., an RVM-installed Ruby). Specifically, Ruby seems to initially scan $GEM_HOME (which is set to the RVM gemset) at load time and it emits warnings for gems with native libraries that don't match the Ruby running the brew-gem script. Changing the GEM_* environment variables before launching Ruby avoids the warnings.

Before the change:

$ opsicle --help
Ignoring bcrypt-3.1.11 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine bcrypt --version 3.1.11
Ignoring bcrypt-3.1.10 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine bcrypt --version 3.1.10
Ignoring binding_of_caller-0.7.2 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine binding_of_caller --version 0.7.2
Ignoring bond-0.4.1 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine bond --version 0.4.1
Ignoring byebug-8.2.2 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine byebug --version 8.2.2
Ignoring debug_inspector-0.0.2 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine debug_inspector --version 0.0.2
Ignoring executable-hooks-1.3.2 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine executable-hooks --version 1.3.2
Ignoring ffi-1.9.14 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine ffi --version 1.9.14
Ignoring ffi-1.9.11 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine ffi --version 1.9.11
Ignoring ffi-1.9.10 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine ffi --version 1.9.10
Ignoring gem-wrappers-1.2.7 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine gem-wrappers --version 1.2.7
Ignoring image_science- because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine image_science --version
Ignoring json-1.8.6 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine json --version 1.8.6
Ignoring json-1.8.3 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine json --version 1.8.3
Ignoring kgio-2.10.0 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine kgio --version 2.10.0
Ignoring libv8- because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine libv8 --version
Ignoring mysql2-0.3.20 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine mysql2 --version 0.3.20
Ignoring nokogiri-1.6.8 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine nokogiri --version 1.6.8
Ignoring nokogiri-1.6.8.rc3 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine nokogiri --version 1.6.8.rc3
Ignoring redcarpet-3.3.4 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine redcarpet --version 3.3.4
Ignoring sqlite3-1.3.11 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine sqlite3 --version 1.3.11
Ignoring syck-1.0.5 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine syck --version 1.0.5
Ignoring therubyracer-0.12.2 because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine therubyracer --version 0.12.2
Ignoring unf_ext- because its extensions are not built.  Try: gem pristine unf_ext --version
    opsicle - Opsworks Command Line Utility Belt

    For documentation and help in setting up your configuration files,
    see Opsicle's GitHub repo:

    opsicle [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


    --[no-]color - Use colored output (default: enabled)
    --debug      - Enable Debug mode for detailed logs and backtraces
    --help       - Show this message
    --mfa        - Use MFA for this command (some AWS operations will fail without it based on policy)
    --verbose    - Enable Verbose mode for more logging
    --version    - Display the program version

    chef-update                 - Update the Stack Custom Chef Cookbooks
    clone-instance              - Clone instances in the given environment stack
    deploy                      - Deploy your current app to the given environment stack
    execute-recipes             - Execute arbitrary recipes on the Stack
    failure-log                 - Get most recent failure log for a stack
    help                        - Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    instances                   - List all instances in the given environment stack
    legacy-credential-converter - Convert the ~/.fog file to a ~/.aws/credentials file
    list                        - List all apps in the given environment stack
    monitor                     - Launch the Opsicle Stack Monitor for the given environment stack
    opsworks-url                - Show the OpsWorks URL for the given environment stack
    ssh                         - SSH access to instances in the given environment stack
    ssh-clean-keys              - Clear an environment's keys from your ssh known_hosts file
    ssh-key                     - Set your user SSH key (PUBLIC KEY) for OpsWorks
    update                      - Update properties on a OpsWorks resource.
    user-profile-info           - Display IAM user profile information as JSON.

After the change, the warnings preceding the command help go away.

QA Plan

Fill in scenarios below in checklist format. Consider Regression scenarios (did we break something else related to this change) in addition to Happy Path (testing the new feature directly). Evaluate the risk level and label accordingly and ensure the QA Plan matches the risk level!