sports-alliance / sports-lib

A Library for processing GPX, TCX, FIT and JSON files from services such as Strava, Movescount, Garmin, Polar etc
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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"Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" while parsing attached GPX file #69

Closed thomaschampagne closed 3 years ago

thomaschampagne commented 3 years ago

Hey Dimi!

Small issue while parsing file _mytrailexport.gpx ( It produces the following error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

Error is raised at importer.gpx.ts:49:136:

 const endDate = isActivity ?
          new Date(trackOrRoute.trkseg[trackOrRoute.trkseg.length - 1].trkpt[trackOrRoute.trkseg
[trackOrRoute.trkseg.length - 1].trkpt.length // HERE !
 - 1].time[0]) :
          new Date(startDate.getTime() + samples.length * 1000);

Here a jasmine which reproduce the bug on the file.

    it('should parse a MyTrail GPX file', done => {

      // Given
      const path = __dirname + '/fixtures/others/mytrail_export.gpx';
      const gpxString = fs.readFileSync(path).toString();

      // When
      const eventInterfacePromise = SportsLib.importFromGPX(gpxString);

      // Then
      eventInterfacePromise.then((event: EventInterface) => {

Not sure how to fix it properly. Let me know if you need more investigation from me.

(File is coming from my elevate app testers)

jimmykane commented 3 years ago

Roger that. Let me fix

jimmykane commented 3 years ago

The issue is found.

The gpx contains a trkseg that is empty as the last


I ll see for a solution

thomaschampagne commented 3 years ago

Let me know if you need anything from me :)

jimmykane commented 3 years ago

Should be fixed in 5.3.0 coming up asap on npm.

keep me posted if there are any side effects. I ll push this to production from my side for QS asap