sportsdataverse / hoopR

An R package to quickly obtain clean and tidy men's basketball play by play data.
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most_recent_nba_season() (2024) not found #128

Closed Coop197823 closed 8 months ago

Coop197823 commented 8 months ago

code: hoopR::most_recent_nba_season() - returns 2024

when then running code: mbb_team_schedule <- hoopR::load_nba_schedule(seasons = most_recent_nba_season()) an error retruns:

Warning messages: 1: In readRDS(con) : cannot open URL '': HTTP status was '404 Not Found' 2: Failed to readRDS from

when going to the site: It seems that ESPN does not have a 2024 season schedule. Do you know if this is something that will be updated and if so when?

bzigterman commented 8 months ago

Similar issue when running load_nba_team_box:

> load_nba_team_box(seasons = most_recent_nba_season())
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── hoopR 1.8.0 ──
# A tibble: 0 × 0
Warning messages:
1: In readRDS(con) :
  cannot open URL '': HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
2: Failed to readRDS from <> 
saiemgilani commented 8 months ago

I hear you fellas, I'm busy rn with professional NBA work. I will try to get to updating the data repositories for 2024

Coop197823 commented 8 months ago

No worries mate, I appreciate the update. Look forward to your work, it is much appreciated.

saiemgilani commented 8 months ago

Try now and if you're still having issues, please make sure to update your package with:


then refresh your R session and check again. If issues persist from that point, please holler

Coop197823 commented 8 months ago

working as intended now, ty!