sportsdataverse / sportsdataverse-py

sportsdataverse python package
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Bring in all games from cfbd #12

Open christophermclement opened 2 years ago

christophermclement commented 2 years ago

sportsdataverse.cfb.load_cfb_schedule only brings in games as far back as 2002, but cfbd actually has games back to ~1860, I don't see a reason not to bring them all in, even if there's no attendant pxp?

armstjc commented 2 years ago

Anything beyond 2001 is outside the scope of the ESPN API, which a lot of CFB data is sourced from in SDV.

Just for an example, week 2, 2001 CFB season:

And one year before, shows 0 games, because those games aren't accessable/don't exist in ESPN's API:

If you would like to contribute the scores of actual CFB games to the SDV project, the following website is a good place to start, although if we were to integrate this data, we will need to figure out a way that works with existing/future schedule data.

christophermclement commented 2 years ago

The games exist in cfbd, it's a matter of properly joining two databases.