ShapeError: unable to append to a dataframe of width 366 with a dataframe of width 364
ShapeError: unable to vstack, column names don't match: "" and "start.downDistanceText"
One of these errors occurs (with minor variation on the df widths of column names) for everypair of consecutive of seasons through at least 2017 with the exception of 2011-2012
when running:
sdv.cfb.load_cfb_pbp(list(range(2003, 2024)))
get error:
ShapeError: unable to append to a dataframe of width 366 with a dataframe of width 364
ShapeError: unable to vstack, column names don't match: "" and "start.downDistanceText"
One of these errors occurs (with minor variation on the df widths of column names) for everypair of consecutive of seasons through at least 2017 with the exception of 2011-2012