Artist - Album - Title . Extension dont work.... bWhy I want it, cuz there are a lot of albums with same song names but different context...i.e. live albumns...as the script uses the outputfile as reference...once one song is on the list....the other ones will be skipped, using the archive option could be a solution but it doesnt work since it cannot be created previously cuz the song are being skipped, the alternative is using the overwite option but...It will renew everything on the context....
I suggest create a threat that work as semaphore for --archive file lock and store the song id once the script finishes the download process, also, add a metadata tag with the track id from spotify, that way we can create a exclude list when necessary.
IDK why the new name fails...
Thanks in advance
"output_format": "{artist} - {album-artist} - {title}.{output-ext}",
Steps to reproduce - Ensure to include actual links!
Se the output filename as "output_format": "{artist} - {album} - {title}.{output-ext}"
download a song...
and it stores the song as "output_format": "{artist} - {title}.{output-ext}",
"output_format": "{artist} - {album-artist} - {title}.{output-ext}",
System OS
Python Version
3.10 (CPython)
Install Source
pip / PyPi
Install version / commit hash
Expected Behavior vs Actual Behavior
config.json modified to:
{ "load_config": true, "log_level": "INFO", "simple_tui": false,bbb "cache_path": "/home/username/.spotdl/.spotipy", "audio_providers": [ "youtube-music" ], "lyrics_providers": [ "genius", "azlyrics", "musixmatch" ], "ffmpeg": "ffmpeg", "bitrate": null, "ffmpeg_args": null, "format": "mp3", "m3u": null, "output": "/home/username/Music/{artist}/{album}/", "output_format": "{artist} - {album} - {titlbbe}.{output-ext}", "overwrite": "force", "client_id": "xxxxx", "client_secret": "xxxxx", "auth_token": null, "user_auth": false, "search_query": null, "filter_results": true, "threads": 4, "no_cache": false, "cookie_file": null, "headless": false, "restrict": false, "print_errors": false, "sponsor_block": false, "preload": false, "archive": "/home/username/Music/exclude.list", "port": 8800, "host": "localhost", "keep_alive": true, "allowed_origins": null, "playlist_numbering": false }b
b Artist - Album - Title . Extension dont work.... bWhy I want it, cuz there are a lot of albums with same song names but different context...i.e. live albumns...as the script uses the outputfile as reference...once one song is on the list....the other ones will be skipped, using the archive option could be a solution but it doesnt work since it cannot be created previously cuz the song are being skipped, the alternative is using the overwite option but...It will renew everything on the context....
I suggest create a threat that work as semaphore for --archive file lock and store the song id once the script finishes the download process, also, add a metadata tag with the track id from spotify, that way we can create a exclude list when necessary.
IDK why the new name fails...
Thanks in advance CS "output_format": "{artist} - {album-artist} - {title}.{output-ext}",
Steps to reproduce - Ensure to include actual links!
Se the output filename as "output_format": "{artist} - {album} - {title}.{output-ext}" download a song... and it stores the song as "output_format": "{artist} - {title}.{output-ext}", "output_format": "{artist} - {album-artist} - {title}.{output-ext}",
Other details
No response