spotahome / redis-operator

Redis Operator creates/configures/manages high availability redis with sentinel automatic failover atop Kubernetes.
Apache License 2.0
1.5k stars 356 forks source link

[ERROR]: Some of make commands are broken because of version upgrades #509

Closed samof76 closed 1 year ago

samof76 commented 1 year ago

Expected behaviour

What do you want to achieve?

All the make command to pass

Actual behaviour

sam@sam-G74Sx ~/g/p/redis-operator (master)> make generate-crd
docker run -it --rm \
-v /home/sam/github/pych/redis-operator:/go/src/ \
-e GO_PROJECT_ROOT=/go/src/ \
-e CRD_TYPES_PATH=/go/src/ \
-e CRD_OUT_PATH=/go/src/ \
Generating CRD manifests...
Error: err: exit status 1: stderr: go: requires missing go.sum entry; to add it:
    go mod download

  controller-gen [flags]

    # Generate RBAC manifests and crds for all types under apis/,
    # outputting crds to /tmp/crds and everything else to stdout
    controller-gen rbac:roleName=<role name> crd paths=./apis/... output:crd:dir=/tmp/crds output:stdout

    # Generate deepcopy/runtime.Object implementations for a particular file
    controller-gen object paths=./apis/v1beta1/some_types.go

    # Generate OpenAPI v3 schemas for API packages and merge them into existing CRD manifests
    controller-gen schemapatch:manifests=./manifests output:dir=./manifests paths=./pkg/apis/... 

    # Run all the generators for a given project
    controller-gen paths=./apis/...

    # Explain the markers for generating CRDs, and their arguments
    controller-gen crd -ww

  -h, --detailed-help count   print out more detailed help
                              (up to -hhh for the most detailed output, or -hhhh for json output)
      --help                  print out usage and a summary of options
      --version               show version
  -w, --which-markers count   print out all markers available with the requested generators
                              (up to -www for the most detailed output, or -wwww for json output)



+webhook                                                                                                                                                                   package  generates (partial) {Mutating,Validating}WebhookConfiguration objects.                        
+schemapatch[:generateEmbeddedObjectMeta=<bool>],manifests=<string>[,maxDescLen=<int>]                                                                                     package  patches existing CRDs with new schemata.                                                      
+rbac:roleName=<string>                                                                                                                                                    package  generates ClusterRole objects.                                                                
+object[:headerFile=<string>][,year=<string>]                                                                                                                              package  generates code containing DeepCopy, DeepCopyInto, and DeepCopyObject method implementations.  
+crd[:allowDangerousTypes=<bool>][,crdVersions=<[]string>][,generateEmbeddedObjectMeta=<bool>][,maxDescLen=<int>][,preserveUnknownFields=<bool>][,trivialVersions=<bool>]  package  generates CustomResourceDefinition objects.                                                   


+paths=<[]string>  package  represents paths and go-style path patterns to use as package roots.  

output rules (optionally as output:<generator>:...)

+output:artifacts[:code=<string>],config=<string>  package  outputs artifacts to different locations, depending on whether they're package-associated or not.   
+output:dir=<string>                               package  outputs each artifact to the given directory, regardless of if it's package-associated or not.      
+output:none                                       package  skips outputting anything.                                                                          
+output:stdout                                     package  outputs everything to standard-out, with no separation.                                             

run `controller-gen crd:trivialVersions=true paths=./api/... output:dir=./manifests -w` to see all available markers, or `controller-gen crd:trivialVersions=true paths=./api/... output:dir=./manifests -h` for usage
make: *** [Makefile:197: generate-crd] Error 1


 make mocks
docker build \
    --build-arg uid=1000 \
    -t \
    -t \
    -f docker/development/Dockerfile \
Sending build context to Docker daemon   63.6MB
Step 1/11 : FROM golang:1.19-alpine
 ---> 6e31dcd72d8f
Step 2/11 : ENV CODEGEN_VERSION="1.11.9"
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 118772b41ad5
Step 3/11 : RUN apk --no-cache add     bash     git     g++     openssl
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 48710267e54d
Step 4/11 : RUN wget${CODEGEN_VERSION}.tar.gz &&     mkdir -p /go/src/ &&     tar zxvf kubernetes-${CODEGEN_VERSION}.tar.gz --strip 1 -C /go/src/ &&     mkdir -p /go/src/ &&     touch /go/src/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> d88b294239f5
Step 5/11 : ARG MOCKERY_VERSION="2.9.4"
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 368548ea461e
Step 6/11 : RUN wget -c${MOCKERY_VERSION}/mockery_${MOCKERY_VERSION}_$(uname -o)_$(uname -m).tar.gz -O - | tar -xz -C /go/bin/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 46803cde2205
Step 7/11 : ARG uid=1000
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 885b6bc6e648
Step 8/11 : ARG gid=1000
 ---> Using cache
 ---> d6c3307996cd
Step 9/11 : RUN addgroup -g $gid rf &&     adduser -D -u $uid -G rf rf &&     chown rf:rf -R /go
 ---> Using cache
 ---> f60cdd50c355
Step 10/11 : USER rf
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 692fbb7b2ad7
Step 11/11 : WORKDIR /go/src/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> cb0f80d44d69
Successfully built cb0f80d44d69
Successfully tagged
Successfully tagged
docker run -ti --rm -v /home/sam/github/pych/redis-operator:/go/src/ -u 1000:1000 --name redis-operator /bin/sh -c 'go generate ./mocks'
06 Nov 22 08:05 UTC INF Starting mockery dry-run=false version=v2.9.4
06 Nov 22 08:05 UTC INF Walking dry-run=false version=v2.9.4
2022/11/06 08:05:19 internal error: package "fmt" without types was imported from ""
mocks/doc.go:7: running "mockery": exit status 1
make: *** [Makefile:173: mocks] Error 1

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

Just the above commands from the the master branch


How are the pieces configured?