spotify-web-api-java / spotify-web-api-java

A Java wrapper for Spotify's Web API.
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Example on how to use paging #234

Closed FlorianLoch closed 3 years ago

FlorianLoch commented 3 years ago

Hello folks, Just started coding for some new side project using this library to get some data from Spotify. Basic usage is well documented and fairly easily, thanks for that! B I could not find an example using pagination. Taking a rough look at the code and the documentation I could not really see how pagination would work (except taking the URL contained in “next” and handling the whole thing on your own which does not feel right to me). Searching the web I also didn’t find an example but found people asking the same question on stackoverflow (answering it themselves afterwards by saying use “getItems()” which, to my understanding, only gives you the results of the current page) - so I think an example or some explanation in the README would be great.

Thanks. ;)

Cheers Florian

FlorianLoch commented 3 years ago

I saw the remark on asking questions on SO - but I think explaining this in the documentation would be helpful for the project itself, not only for me asking this ;)

dargmuesli commented 3 years ago

This wrapper currently only mirrors what the Spotify web api provides. Adding methods that allow navigating to different pages would be a nice pull request :)

FlorianLoch commented 3 years ago

Hm, I kind of expected this to be the answer but still hoped for another one ;) But yes, this would be very useful - I guess in most cases of information retrieval one would like to have an easy option to get the full answer.

I will implement something for my project and if I am happy with it I might consider creating a PR and contributing it back. Although, there are quite some ways to implement this so some discussion in advance might be good. Let me think about a proper way of adding this. ;)

Selbi182 commented 3 years ago

Kind of late, but I did create a hacky solution for retrieving a full paging response some time ago:

Then you just pass the builder into the method, like so:

List<TrackSimplified> tracksOfAlbum = SpotifyCall.executePaging(spotifyApi.getAlbumsTracks(id));

One of the traps I fell into was not realizing early on that there are actually two types of paging used, one called PagingCursorbased and one simply Paging. In my case, the former cost me some headache, so I only implemented it for string-based cursors for now. As such, this might not be pull-request worthy yet, but it could probably be patched up with some effort (hah).

jordigarcl commented 3 years ago

What about making those requests returning pagination objects implement something like

fun next(nextUrl: String): GetCurrentUsersSavedAlbumsRequest

So there is an easy way to iterate over results while leveraging serialization?

FlorianLoch commented 3 years ago

Sorry to get back to this just yet... I actually implemented the pagination handling as iterator triggering new requests only when necessary. A simple, not yet fully finished approach:

I consider the iterating approach to be superior to the list based one as it possibly avoids requests not being necessary (say you just want to fetch 200 entries not all of them). The approach linked also makes use of the builder for creating additional requests. I have to admit, I was not aware that there are two types of pagination...

As I see there is some interest in this I might do a PR based on my linked code.

FlorianLoch commented 3 years ago

Additionally I wrote some decorators implementing the IHttpManager interface taking care of stuff like the rate limit (which becomes a thing iterating pages as mentioned by @Selbi182). As this is a separate, although linked, concern it should not be handled by the iterator itself. Same actually holds true for handling errors and triggering retries etc.

dargmuesli commented 3 years ago

What about the PR you mentioned? :)

dargmuesli commented 3 years ago

Let's go with Kotlin for an example here:

fun <T> getAllPagingItems(requestBuilder: AbstractDataPagingRequest.Builder<T, *>): List<T> {
    val list = arrayListOf<T>()

    do {
        val paging =
                .offset(paging.offset + paging.limit)
    } while ( != null)

    return list

Closing this issue as an example is now provided. I'd still welcome PRs as mentioned above though!

cbismuth commented 1 year ago

Here are my Java wrappers :

 private <T> List<T> fetchAllPagingItems(final AbstractDataPagingRequest.Builder<T, ?> builder) {
    try {
        final List<T> items = Lists.newArrayList();

        Paging<T> paging;
        do {
            paging =;

            final T[] pagingItems = paging.getItems();


            builder.offset(paging.getOffset() + paging.getLimit());
        } while (paging.getNext() != null);

        return items;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

private List<Artist> fetchAllFollowedArtists(final GetUsersFollowedArtistsRequest.Builder builder) {
    try {
        final List<Artist> items = Lists.newArrayList();

        PagingCursorbased<Artist> paging;
        do {
            paging =;

            final Artist[] artists = paging.getItems();


            final String lastArtistId = artists[artists.length - 1].getId();

        } while (paging.getNext() != null);

        return items;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
dadoonet commented 1 month ago

Wondering if GetPlaylistsItemsRequest should extend AbstractDataRequest<PagingCursorbased<PlaylistTrack>> instead of AbstractDataRequest<Paging<PlaylistTrack>>?

I was trying to implement a way to retrieve more than 100 elements from my playlist and did not find how so far. Anyone succeeded?

Selbi182 commented 1 month ago

@dadoonet Maybe this will help, it's how I implemented getting all tracks of a playlist.

dadoonet commented 1 month ago

Thanks a ton @Selbi182 !