spotify / XCMetrics

XCMetrics is the easiest way to collect Xcode build metrics and improve developer productivity.
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XCMetricsClient: Create additional header with a stringified json #75

Closed ronanrodrigo closed 2 years ago

ronanrodrigo commented 2 years ago

This way we can use a json to pass multiple arguments to request header. For example:

XCMetrics \
    --name foo \
    --additionalHeaderJson  '{"Api-Key":"yYKZ8uDrMsjlXWKOaPbCh6bU30EST2cq","Authorization":"bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJYMlNtUWhudVh6LU52anR6VWlpNUZqM3V5VS1WR0hDeXdtUG5ocjBSQy1zIn0"}'
ecamacho commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your PR @ronanrodrigo . Could you also update the docs with the new --additionalHeaderJson argument?

ronanrodrigo commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your PR @ronanrodrigo . Could you also update the docs with the new --additionalHeaderJson argument?

Sure, doing this right now