spotify / XCRemoteCache

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Can I turn off XCRemoteCache? For instance, when the internet connection is slow or data usage is limited. #115

Closed devMEremenko closed 2 years ago

devMEremenko commented 2 years ago

Hi XCRemoteCache Team,

Context XCRemoteCache assumes that downloading prebuilt artifacts is faster than recomputing new ones. However, this statement might not be true when the internet connection is slow or data usage is limited. Moreover, users may have other reasons to temporary turn off XCRemoteCache (like dealing with some specific bug, unavailability of a remote cache service, etc)

Expected/desired behavior That's why I am thinking about the is_enabled field in the .rcinfo file to temporarily turn off XCRemoteCache and switch to the compilation mode.

Let me know if XCRemoteCache already contains such a feature 🙂

Relevant integration setup

[X] CocoaPods cocoapods-xcremotecache plugin [X] Automatic integration using xcprepare integrate ... [X] Manual integration [X] Carthage

polac24 commented 2 years ago

Hi! There are many ways to achieve that:

all of them are more workarounds so why not having an explicit is_enabled config? I like the idea.

dwirandyh commented 2 years ago

+1 i have this issue as well, it will be great to be added

devMEremenko commented 2 years ago

Hi @polac24,

Thank you for the suggested ideas!

I like this one as a temporary solution: cache_commit_history: 0 I am going contribute is_enabled soon.