spotify / XCRemoteCache

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Fixed caching in `generatedFingerprint` in `EnvironmentFingerprintGenerator` #144

Closed devMEremenko closed 2 years ago

devMEremenko commented 2 years ago

Fixed the issue described there.

devMEremenko commented 2 years ago

@polac24, seems like it's done 🙂

I noticed 2 issues, let me know if they are expected.

1) According to the code style guidance, contributors should run rake autocorrect to fix issues automatically. However, this command produces a huge diff even for code I did not change (see image 1).

2) You cannot run tests if you edit files in Xcode since Bundle.module is not available (see image 2).

Image 1.

Screenshot 2022-06-02 at 22 38 17

Image 2.

Screenshot 2022-06-02 at 22 39 42
polac24 commented 2 years ago

Hi! We have swiftlint and Swiftformat and on CI only SwiftLint is validated. That is actually the only "live" linter we have, even locally you may get some errors and fixes from the other linter. As long as swiftlint is fine and CI is green, we can merge.

If you want to clean it up a bit (either disable swift format or fix all violations and enable it on CI), feel free to create PR.