spotify / XCRemoteCache

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[Xcode 15] GeneratedAssetSymbols in a framework or application target cause cache miss #211

Closed polac24 closed 1 year ago

polac24 commented 1 year ago

My integration setup

Expected/desired behavior

If a target has .xcassets, a target should still be cacheable

Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions

Consumer Logs

** BUILD SUCCEEDED ** [3.885 sec]

reverting e2eTests/StandaloneSampleApp
rake aborted!
Failure: Unexpected misses: 1 (4). Expected 0
/Users/bartosz/Development/XCRemoteCache/tasks/e2e.rb:251:in `valide_hit_rate'



A feature to generate assets references (known as R.), has been added in Xcode 15:

Xcode now generates Swift and Objective-C symbols for each color and image in the asset catalog. These symbols provide a safer, more assistive way to reference assets that’s resilient to renames & typos, leverages compiler type checking, and integrates with code completion.