spotify / XCRemoteCache

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Clarify the role of CocoaPods plugin in the documentation #216

Open grigorye opened 11 months ago

grigorye commented 11 months ago

Expected/desired behavior

I would like to understand, why CocoaPods plugin exists/if it is necessary at all, or it's just a convenience/alternative to e.g. automatic integration.

Relevant integration setup

[x] CocoaPods cocoapods-xcremotecache plugin [ ] Automatic integration using xcprepare integrate ... [ ] Manual integration [ ] Carthage

polac24 commented 11 months ago

The plugin is only for convenience and (in theory) you should be able to achieve the same result with the automation integration.

Over the course of 2y, the plugin got some nice features (like supporting generate_multiple_pod_projects) so I recommend starting with it first.