spotify / android-sdk

Spotify SDK for Android
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Spotify Connection Listener called only once #281

Open tec-anDro-DeV opened 3 years ago

tec-anDro-DeV commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your interest in the Spotify App Remote SDK! If you're submitting a bug, please use the following template. If your issue is a feature request, please include your use-case so that we have all the necessary info.

Issue found on 11/26/2020.

SDK Version: 0.7

OS Version: Android 8.1

I implemented the below dependencies in the project's lib folder. spotify-auth-release-1.2.3.aar spotify-player-24-noconnect-2.20b.aar

On button click, I initialized the below code val builder = AuthenticationRequest.Builder(CLIENT_ID, AuthenticationResponse.Type.TOKEN, REDIRECT_URI) builder.setScopes(arrayOf("user-read-private", "streaming")) val request = AuthenticationClient.openLoginActivity(this, REQUEST_CODE, request)

And it is going to onLoginFailed() method because the account which I used is not the premium account.

And when I click the button again then it's not going on connection listener.

Expected behaviour:

Need to go to the connection listener every time.

Actual behaviour:

Going in the connection listener once.
