spotify / android-sdk

Spotify SDK for Android
Apache License 2.0
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play the specified song through the uri #373

Open DJLiuHua opened 4 days ago

DJLiuHua commented 4 days ago

Thanks for your interest in the Spotify App Remote SDK! If you're submitting a bug, please use the following template. If your issue is a feature request, please include your use-case so that we have all the necessary info.

Issue found on DATE.

SDK Version: spotify-app-remote-release-0.8.0.aar

OS Version: Android

Scope(s): "user-read-currently-playing","app-remote-control"

Steps to reproduce:

1.Remote SDK is Connected specific song with track Uri(spotify:track:1Nl46Htick2us08lQ7N9iD;)

Expected behaviour:

play this song: on Spotify music app

Actual behaviour:

play randomly suggested songs

I want to userAndroid's Remote Connect SDK to play the specified song through the uri. Why is the playback of randomly suggested songs and the specified song cannot be played through the URI?