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Stack overflow for large datasets #490

Open vbod opened 4 years ago

vbod commented 4 years ago

Version: 1.16.3.

Large datasets may crash silently with a stack overflow (quite hard to catch as a end-user). I can provide one such dataset composed of 10M vectors of size 256 that crashes on my Window 64-bit).

Actually there are several parts of the code that use stack allocation and may cause this issue:

  1. _make_tree() is called recursively and a pointer to a Node (namely m in the code) is stack allocated. On large datasets I found this function gets called up to a thousand times.
  2. some implementations of create_split() (for me it was the DotProduct's implementation) stack-allocates two pointers to Node<S, T>. There's actually a "deeper" issue with that part: the function is marked for being inlined by the compiler... So it can get pretty messy. I know standard compiler would never inline a function that does stack-allocation by themselves, but not sure on what happens when you explicitly ask them to 🤔 There are a bit of non-conclusive threads on StackOverflow on this one, e.g. here and also mentionned in the 4th answer in here... My point is: this function is called within the recursion of _make_tree() so the liftetime of those inlined stack objects can become very long and I don't think stack allocation here is very wise. I don't know how big they are (haven't deep-dived in the algorithmic yet), but the number of them (again up to thousands) surely blows the stack out.

I can fix it quite easily by replacing alloca() by standard heap-allocation and freeing memory at the end of the functions (so that there simply are pointers - 32 or 64 bits - on the stack and mitigate the recursive part... ). Another fix (that I haven't tried) would be to keep stack-allocation for the two pointers in create_split() but not inlining them (so that when the function is exited the memory gets freed). Yet in _make_tree() it would be safer to use heap allocation I guess (again don't know the size of that structure though, but stack allocation in recursive function is always bug-prone if we can't control how deep the recursion will be).

erikbern commented 4 years ago

seems odd that the recursion would be so deep! it feels like that's a sign something with the tree splitting is off, like for instance the splits end up being very imbalanced. is there something "weird" about your data?

vbod commented 4 years ago

@erikbern Don't know much of the algo beneath sorry, I may have a look to understand a bit more why it's that deep... The splits are very imbalanced indeed (if I can measure it via the "no hyperplane found blah-blah" I'd say it's super imbalanced even ^^), but nothing "weird" about the data: they are 10M vectors trained by a neural network encoder for dense retrieval (i.e. retrieve the results of a query by encoding the query and scanning an index of vectors to find approximate nearest neighbors). I say nothing "weird" cause when I end-up having it work, the results are fairly good!

Another fix I did not mention though would be to increase the stack size but not sure that would help much for all use-cases (except if I'm the only one encountering that kind of issue).

erikbern commented 4 years ago

ok, for typical datasets, the "no hyperplane found" should be very rare, so i think something might be off with the data. do you have a lot of degenerate data? as in, lots of vectors that are identical? just thinking if there's something obviously "weird"

erikbern commented 4 years ago

One thought would be that making this condition slightly more liberal should resolve the issue:

eg instead of checking if either subset is empty, maybe check for say up to 98-2% imbalance or similar. The max recursion depth would then be roughly -log(n)/log(0.98) which for n=10M would imply about 800, which I think should be well within the max stack size

vbod commented 4 years ago

Hi @erikbern, sorry for not answering before.

Currently the _make_tree() function is called roughly 4,000 times with a 10M dataset like mine. I joined a recursion.log where I printed the recursion depth along with the "no hyperplane found" (this is the pass 0 until crash). I now have datasets that make this recursion crash even when changing stack objects to pointers. I guess there's a lot being pushed on the stack frame and it's definitly more than can be handled.

I do agree that changing could ensure that splits are not too uneven and reduce the recursion level. I can give it a try and let you know. Hopefully this won't hurt accuracy too much: I don't know how much this randomness impacts compared to when the split boundary is obtained by statistics in create_split() func... 🤔

erikbern commented 4 years ago

I still find it quite odd that your dataset is so hard to split. Any way you can share the data?

vbod commented 4 years ago

Yes sure: it's roughly 8.8M vectors of size 256 gotten from a neural net output I've coded trained for "dense" retrieval (inspired from this paper though slightly arranged). I've stored them in 18 TF_Records (don't know if you use TensorFlow but if not I can surely give it to you in a more friendly format). Each of those 18 files is roughly 500Mo. Tell me how you want me to transfer it to you.

Here's a Python script that can help you play around:

import tensorflow as tf
import annoy

def read_encoded_passages(passage_encoded_file: str) ->
    Reads a TF_Record file that was stored such as each line contains a dictionary:
        > {
        >   'vector': vector of the passage,
        >   'identifier': id of the passage
        > }
    def _extract_fn(record: str):
        sample =
                'vector':[], tf.float32, allow_missing=True),
                'identifier':[], tf.int64, allow_missing=True)
        return {
            'vector': sample['vector'],
            'identifier': tf.cast(sample['identifier'], tf.int32)


def main(encoded_passages_files: list,
                nb_trees: int = 50):
    Builds an ANN-index listing all the data in the provided file paths.
    ann_index = annoy.AnnoyIndex(256, 'dot')
    for encoded_passages_file in encoded_passages_files:
        print('Indexing passage vectors %s... ' % encoded_passages_file)
        passages_dataset = read_encoded_passages(encoded_passages_file)
        for j, passage in enumerate(passages_dataset):
            passage_id = passage['identifier'].numpy().tolist()[0]
            passage_vector = passage['vector'].numpy().tolist()
            ann_index.add_item(passage_id, passage_vector)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    DATA_PATH = '/path/to/directory/with/all/18/files/inside'
        encoded_passages_files=[os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'passages.tfrecord_%d.encoded') % i for i in range(0, 18)]   
vbod commented 4 years ago

By the way, I did change the condition on having at least one element by:

  bool _draw_random_split(const vector<S>& left_indices, const vector<S>& right_indices) {
    if (left_indices.empty() || right_indices.empty())
      return true;

    float ls = (float)left_indices.size();
    float rs = (float)right_indices.size();
    float f = ls/(ls+rs);
    return f < 0.02 || f > 0.98;

  S _make_tree(const vector<S >& indices, bool is_root) {
    while (_draw_random_split(children_indices[0], children_indices[1])) {

and it does work like a charm for building. Haven't tested yet on a dataset I know if the search accuracy is impacted though I don't think it should. Thanks for the pointers @erikbern.

erikbern commented 4 years ago

it would be amazing if you can send me a pull request for the code snippet you just shared!

the dataset sounds huge – maybe a bit hard to send to me. if you can do some basic sanity check that would be interesting. like do you have a lot of vectors that are identical? (or even more degenerate – maybe they are all the zero vector or something like that?)

vbod commented 4 years ago

Will push a PR today (this part is way easier isolated than the ftruncate issue 😉).

As for the dataset, it's been trained to have a very particular topology: there's a huge cluster of roughly half the dataset that is isolated (bunch of garbage that we haven't been trained to retrieve at all). The rest is grouped by semantic similarit. Doing T-SNE visualization does not provide much more insight, sorry...

elan commented 3 years ago

FWIW, I have a similar dataset, and was seeing super deep stacks (~700) and long processing time with latest HEAD (specifically after 6088276a7a677ef1ea61ab886baa3919a258656a reverted the _draw_random_split patch). With the _draw_random_split things are much improved.