I am trying to install a bioinformatics tool that uses annoy called pycistopic. However, I get the below error.
Building wheels for collected packages: pycisTopic, annoy
Building wheel for pycisTopic (setup.py) ... done
Created wheel for pycisTopic: filename=pycisTopic-1.0.2.dev9+gaf3977c-py3-none-any.whl size=93786 sha256=7fd73da5c063af0c55166c4226b65cbd0d604cfc51d8519f93886812f4bbe8ff
Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-n9q03_td/wheels/62/64/82/580e6ee56bd55c662eae26c715f7a5e51d1c149c0775b38171
Building wheel for annoy (setup.py) ... error
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
ERROR: Failed building wheel for annoy
Running setup.py clean for annoy
Successfully built pycisTopic
Failed to build annoy
Installing collected packages: annoy, tmtoolkit, scrublet, scanorama, python-Levenshtein, python-igraph, pyfasta, pyBigWig, polars, papermill, macs2, lxml, lda, ipympl, gensim, bs4, bbknn, pycisTopic
Running setup.py install for annoy ... error
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
I then tried installing annoy separately and got the below error.
Why may I be getting problems when installing the package? May you please help me debug this? I am installing it on an HPC cluster using pip install --user annoy.
Hello @erikbern,
Thank you for the amazing tool.
I am trying to install a bioinformatics tool that uses annoy called pycistopic. However, I get the below error.
I then tried installing annoy separately and got the below error.
Why may I be getting problems when installing the package? May you please help me debug this? I am installing it on an HPC cluster using pip install --user annoy.