Im getting a JsonMappingException : Instantiation of [simple type, class com.spotify.docker.client.messages.ExecState] value failed: Null exitCode
when I try inspecting a running exec.
final ExecCreation execCreation = dockerClient.execCreate( containerId, command, DockerClient.ExecCreateParam.attachStderr(),DockerClient.ExecCreateParam.attachStdout());
// Thread.sleep(10000);
final ExecState state = dockerClient.execInspect(;
during the exec execution is normal that the exitCode is null, if I put the sleep and wait the exec terminarion the inspect work correctly.
so, how I can know when the execution is end without an execInspect?
in the first version of my code I use the
final LogStream output = docker.execStart(;
String execOutput = output.readFully();
before do inspect, so I know there the exec is terminate but due #513 Y cannot use the readFully() method.
How I can know when the exec run is end get the exit code without put a sleep?
thanks in advance
Im getting a JsonMappingException : Instantiation of [simple type, class com.spotify.docker.client.messages.ExecState] value failed: Null exitCode
when I try inspecting a running exec.
during the exec execution is normal that the exitCode is null, if I put the sleep and wait the exec terminarion the inspect work correctly. so, how I can know when the execution is end without an execInspect?
in the first version of my code I use the
before do inspect, so I know there the exec is terminate but due #513 Y cannot use the readFully() method.
How I can know when the exec run is end get the exit code without put a sleep? thanks in advance