Closed Smiche closed 5 years ago
Is there a goal allowing to create a docker image file in stead of pushing to a repository?
Example of docker cli: docker save -o fedora-latest.tar fedora:latest
docker save -o fedora-latest.tar fedora:latest
A maven argument to save the image as a file to target: mvn clean package docker:build -DImageFile
mvn clean package docker:build -DImageFile
saveImageToTarArchive File path to save image as a tar archive after it is built. User property: saveImageToTarArchive
Is there a goal allowing to create a docker image file in stead of pushing to a repository?
How to reproduce
Example of docker cli:
docker save -o fedora-latest.tar fedora:latest
What do you expect
A maven argument to save the image as a file to target:
mvn clean package docker:build -DImageFile
What happened instead