spotify / heroic

The Heroic Time Series Database
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Investigate & resolve nondeterministic build errors #753

Open sming opened 3 years ago

sming commented 3 years ago

Design & Implementation Notes

feature/add-bigtable-timeout-settings-refactored com.spotify.heroic.GrpcClusterQueryIT > distributedFilterQueryTest FAILED
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to create a child event loop
        Caused by: failed to open a new selector
            Caused by:
   Too many open files
sming commented 3 years ago


found that removing the 4x multiplier from this method :

        fun worker() = NioEventLoopGroup(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 4)

stops the exception from being thrown. But there are still many questions unanswered:

  1. why only my and Sergey's machines
  2. why does commenting out a seemingly innocuous IT (testbasicWithNoDistribution) also stops exception from being thrown
  3. is the problem we're encountering pertinent to production operation of Heroic or is it a quirk of our Machines or just something that unit test code will exhibit
  4. what is the "correct" fix for this. Removing the 4x multiplier is a poor workaround at best.

(CC @malish8632)