spotify / pedalboard

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Can we connect a VST instrument to an AudioStream? #329

Open 0xdevalias opened 1 month ago

0xdevalias commented 1 month ago

A question came up on a discord server I'm in (Ref), as to whether it's possible to connect a VST instrument as the 'input' of an AudioStream; or if not, some other method of allowing to stream the instrument to an output device.

The example for live audio seems to show using both an input/output device, and applying an effects chain:

And the docs seem to show that input/output device usage, as well as 'synchronous use', where an ogg_buffer is passed in (but it's not super clear where the output of that goes when .run() is called:

Attempting to look at the underlying code didn't help me figure out any better if it was possible:

Asking ChatGPT, it suggested using another external library such as the following, and using that on the output from the instrument, to stream it to the desired output device:

See Also