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ParquetTypeSortedBucketIO writes and reads don't work with CaseMapper #5017

Open clairemcginty opened 11 months ago

clairemcginty commented 11 months ago

key getter does not work when a CaseMapper is required to translate field names:

[info]   Cause: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Leaf key field user_name does not exist in record class class org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.smb.ParquetEndToEndTest$Event
[info]   at org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.smb.ParquetBucketMetadata.toKeyGetters(
[info]   at org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.smb.ParquetBucketMetadata.extractKeyPrimary(
[info]   at org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.smb.BucketMetadata.getKeyBytesPrimary(
[info]   at org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.smb.BucketMetadata.primaryComparableKeyBytes(
[info]   at org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.smb.SortedBucketSource$BucketedInput.lambda$createIterator$1(
[info]   at$6.transform(
[info]   at
[info]   at org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.smb.BufferedIterator.refill(
[info]   at org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.smb.BufferedIterator.<init>(
[info]   at org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.smb.SortedBucketSource$BucketedInput.lambda$createIterator$2(


RustedBones commented 11 months ago

Cause in in the ParquetBucketMetadata, when class is a Product, we expect to extract the key using the keyField[Secondary].

If magnolify's CaseMapper has an effect on the key field name, the metadata, won't be able to access the field using the reflect Method name.

As a 'dirty' workaround, users can define alias function for the key(s), respecting the storage casing, eg:

case class Event(userName: String, event: String, timestamp: Int) {
  def user_name: String = userName
implicit val parquetType: ParquetType[Event] = ParquetType[Event](SnakeCaseMapper)

Clean fix would imply to give the bucket metadata a way to transform the key field into the proper chained calls Method[]. As construction of the metadata on the read side is done from json file only, injecting this custom mapping isn't straightforward