spotify / spark-bigquery

Google BigQuery support for Spark, SQL, and DataFrames
Apache License 2.0
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Implement Spark's DataSource API #16

Open jonas opened 8 years ago

jonas commented 8 years ago

This ticket is to discuss whether there is interest in migrating this project to providing a more "native" integration via Spark's DataSource API. From looking at spark-avro this looks doable and I think it would make it easier deal with ticket #2 and #3.

This would also make it possible to provide different ways of loading data, for example via JSON or Avro, using BQ partitions etc based on user preference. We are currently using JSON internally to work around what seems to be an BigQuery Avro bug:

nevillelyh commented 8 years ago

Thanks for bringing this up. We thought about this but it would require a lot more work to implement TableSchema/TableRow <-> DataSource schema and row converters. Don't think we have enough bandwidth to tackle this but will surely appreciate it if you can look into this.

jonas commented 8 years ago

@nevillelyh Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, this was definitely something I was planning to contribute.

samelamin commented 7 years ago

Hey @jonas @nevillelyh

I am facing a similar problem and would love to contribute

So for us to do this we need to 1) implement converters which take in a dataframe and extract schema 2) Given the dataframe schema we produce a TableSchema 3) Use the TableSchema to create a table definition and save directly to BQ

Am I correct?

nevillelyh commented 7 years ago

Yes. It'd be great if you guys can collaborate on that. And we can also remove spark-avro dependency and using Hadoop Avro{Input,Output}Format directly.

samelamin commented 7 years ago

Ok no worries. @jonas give me a shout on here or twitter so we can work something out :)

jonas commented 7 years ago

Yes, that would be great. We are currently using JSON instead of avro to load data into BQ to workaround an issue where the fields would have root in their name. Here's the simplistic converter for the schema that doesn't support structural types:

    def saveAsBigQueryTable(tableRef: TableReference,
      writeDisposition: WriteDisposition.Value,
      createDisposition: CreateDisposition.Value): Unit = {
      val bucket = conf.get(BigQueryConfiguration.GCS_BUCKET_KEY)
      val temp = s"spark-bigquery-${System.currentTimeMillis()}=${Random.nextInt(Int.MaxValue)}"
      val gcsPath = s"gs://$bucket/hadoop/tmp/spark-bigquery/$temp"

      val schemaFields = { field =>
        val fieldType = field.dataType match {
          case BooleanType => "BOOLEAN"
          case LongType => "INTEGER"
          case IntegerType => "INTEGER"
          case StringType => "STRING"
          case DoubleType => "FLOAT"
          case TimestampType => "TIMESTAMP"
          case _: DecimalType => "INTEGER"
        new TableFieldSchema().setName(

      val tableSchema = new TableSchema().setFields(schemaFields)

      val df = bq.load(gcsPath, tableRef, tableSchema, writeDisposition, createDisposition)
      delete(new Path(gcsPath))